FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Update to KLAS already?

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Hi all, just joined, and first time post here, so I'll be brief! :)

I am VERY VERY close to buying the KLAS scenery, but I wonder if there will be an update in the works soon? I held off because since last October, 25L/7R had been closed for reconstruction, along with taxiway Alpha. It was scheduled to be closed until May 1st (Friday), but they finally opened it on Tuesday. Along with the reconstruction, they made changes to the taxiways. A3 is now a highspeed for 7R, and A7 is now a highspeed for 25L, giving a total of 3 highspeeds for 25L (though it will be rare if a 25L arrival misses A6) for configurations #1 and #3, and 2 for 7R should they go into configurations #4 or #6.

So my question is, while there be an update for the changes they made there?

Press Release for Reopening of 25L/7R


You really can't expect a scenery will be updated in real-time with its real world counterpart. It's just not possible.

To even considering STARTING an update, we need the following:

- charts needs to be updated. this is the easiest

- aerial photos from GE or VE that we can use as reference needs to be updated

- pictures needs to be posted on websites

At the moment, there's no update possible for KLAS, because the real world update is basically happening *now* so, we can't even start it, before all the things above are made available.

Consider that, we still don't have all the material we would like to have for the O'Hare update, which is way more significant, and we surely be relased before anythign for KLAS.

O.K. maybe I'm off a bit but 25L was never closed down in any scenery released depicting KLAS.  Now the question would be if 27L was closed down could that be reflected in the scenery but even then it's a temporary thing that need not be concidered since the runway isn't permanently going away (the taxiway differences can always get addressed at a later date, the main issue is the major runways themselves).  Now since 25L is back open at the real airport and it's fully functional in this scenery this is a none issue...  ??? 

Maybe I'm missing something here...  :-\


--- Quote from: Dillon on May 01, 2009, 03:59:59 pm ---Now since 25L is back open at the real airport and it's fully functional in this scenery this is a none issue...  ???
--- End quote ---

My reply was more generic on the issue about asking for updates the same day they happens in the real world, which it's just not possible.

About the specific case, I assume bradl has checked the Trial version, and with that he should realized that we have 7R/25L fully operational already. Not sure about the taxiways situation if everything is fully updated yet...

Bruce Hamilton:

--- Quote from: virtuali on May 01, 2009, 11:01:30 am ---You really can't expect a scenery will be updated in real-time with its real world counterpart. It's just not possible.

--- End quote ---

Several months ago, KIND was in process of building a new terminal and shutting down an old one.  Blueprint was able to obtain the data necessary to model the new terminal as it was being built, and released it to coincide with the opening of the new terminal in the real world.


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