FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Dive bomb approach into KLAS...

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I don't know if this is just me but on final to KLAS (any runway) it seems the airport sinks away or is lower than it appears visually.  It's hard to explain but on an ILS approach to 25L for example things start off fine over the west end of Lake Mead.  About a mile out I notice I have to put my aircraft into a dive with 25% flaps (forget full flaps) with a speed of 140kts to maintain the ILS needles all the way down to the runway.  Visually everything looks fine but it's almost like the airport is sitting in a hidden hole or something.  Short final for me is best in any heavy using flaps 1 setting versus full flaps like normal.  It's like a constant dive down to the runway versus a gradual decent down to the runway like at any other airport.  This is unlike anything I've ever seen before and something I didn't notice as much before until really exploring this location thanks to FSDT's rendition.  This may be me although I have no third party mesh installed.  Like I said everything is fine a distance out, it's just on short final I notice the airport drops, drops, drops in relation to the aircraft yet the out the window view seems normal.  Very weird arrival into KLAS to say the least...  ???

Cereal Eater:
Sounds like maybe you ate some psilocybin during the cruise phase of your flight?

O.K. I take it no one else is seeing this, I will now dig into my setup and see what's the problem...  :-[

Cereal Eater:
I wish I could understand exactly what you've tried to describe but I'm not getting it.

Maybe you can post some screen shots? That would be very helpful.

The out the window view looks normal... Flying the approach is another thing altogether.  I need a high decent rate a mile out from the runway to make a proper landing with a speed of 130kts or less (very weird)...  Like I said it's like the airport is lower than it appears.


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