FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Runway 25R texture anomaly ?

(1/2) > >>

Hi there,

first of all: thank you very much for such a great scenery !

While slewing around the airport to watch the traffic (at dawn) I noticed a little texture issue at the beginning of Runway 25R. At dawn, there seems to show through some kind of google like piece of photo ground texture (see attached pics). I think this is not intentional, so is there something wrong with my installation or is it just a mishap ?

Thanks in advance for your reply,

and again thanks a lot for this wonderful KLAS !!!


Manty, Germany

Have you installed the texture bleeding patch, mentioned here ?


Hi virtuali,

thanx for your quick reply !

I didn't know that there already does exist a patch for that. I think you mean the 'klas_25bleed_fix'. I got it & will install it tonite. I appreciate very much your good support !

Thank you again !!!

I simply love this scenery !

Kind regards,

Manty, Germany

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Manty, did you solve your problem? As i also have the same problem. See shot below.

I have the same texture anomaly. But, different from yours, my ground textures and taxiway lines don't seem to be alligned properly. I have installed the bleed fix, the double threshold arrow markings fix, and Mikes AFCAD. Is anyone else noticing these problems?


[attachment deleted by admin]

My mistake, the texture bleedthrough was infact due to some photographic scenery I have for Vegas, disabling that solved that Issue. But i still have the allignment issue (see pic below). It's only like this down the 25's end, everywhere else is fine.



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