Author Topic: A couple of suggestions for GSX  (Read 3326 times)


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A couple of suggestions for GSX
« on: May 16, 2018, 05:34:56 pm »
Hello all,

I would like to suggest some ideas that could be added to gsx for added realism and I do apologise in advance if they have already been mentioned beforehand.

The first idea can be related to during pushback. When pushback is complete, I don't see the marshaller with the bypass pin in his hand when he waves goodbye to the pilots. (Upon further research, bypass pins may only be installed depending on the aircraft type and airline procedure.) Having that bypass pin in the marshallers hand can add just that more realism into the sim.

A second idea can be a toilet service vehicle that parks under the APU of commercial aircraft: . The name is self-explanatory.

That's all I can think of for now. I hope these ideas aren't too complicated and I assume they are acceptable for GSX. I want to thank fsdreamteam for creating such an amazing addon to flight simulator.


Speedbird ATC

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Re: A couple of suggestions for GSX
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2018, 04:58:24 am »
Toilet service vehicle is already planned. I agree that seeing a bypass pin would be nice. Additionally whilst we are on that subject, it would be nice to see the wing walker stand next to the nose wheel of the plane when making his last transmission, and then exclusively use hand signals. Maybe, whilst on the subject, give him multiple region specific accents, and-
okay I am getting carried away now. But if you ever need a voice actor to do an Indian subcontinent or American accent, HMU!