Author Topic: Wrong ground textures around E gates  (Read 4427 times)


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Wrong ground textures around E gates
« on: April 20, 2018, 11:52:04 pm »
Any particular reason it could be doing this? This is happening around gate E1.

edit: Never mind. I saw the post about updating the AFCAD.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 12:05:08 am by airbadger »


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Re: Wrong ground textures around E gates
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2018, 01:32:32 am »
I don't know what caused your texture issues, hopefully Virtuali will be able to help you soon, I had a bit of an issue that hopefully be resolved when FSDT  redoes IAH hopefully same way there working doing too KORD and Hopefully IAH or atleast new IAH updated scenery in future will be P3D v4 64 bit only..  hopefully they offer the new C gates for those wishing too stay behind on older systems with KIAH already out and just add in the new C terminal but the NEW IAH remade scenery with the New C gate and everything that KORD is getting attention too it will be added similar in KIAH too make it a 64 bit only scenery and will work better..

I landed in KIAH and as I go over Bridges going C 15 you could see right through the concrete. I knew that shouldn't happen.. I'm hoping that is one of the things that will be fixed in the future new KIAH that's made only for 64 bit Simulator..

So hopefully both our texture issues will be fixed but especially fixed for good in the new 64 bit KIAH scenery for P3D v4


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Re: Wrong ground textures around E gates
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2018, 09:30:57 am »
That looks like a conflicting AFCAD coming from another scenery.