FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Runway lights are too dim at night...

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I flew to FSDT's Vegas tonight only to find I could not see the runway lights on approach.  It wasn't until I was almost over the threshold that the runway lights brightened up.  The rest of the airport is very dark from a distance which doesn't seem right...  ???

Sry, that was just me down there messing with the brightness dial... ::)  It won't happen again! :P


--- Quote from: Aeroman on April 23, 2009, 09:36:34 am ---Sry, that was just me down there messing with the brightness dial... ::)  It won't happen again! :P

--- End quote ---

Is there anyone else seeing this runway/taxiway brightness issue on approach to 19R at night?  I know this may seem funny but I'm seriously wondering is this just me or not...  :-\

Good thing for the ILS :) Yea hard to see the landing lights at night.


--- Quote from: Dillon on April 23, 2009, 06:14:22 pm ---
--- Quote from: Aeroman on April 23, 2009, 09:36:34 am ---Sry, that was just me down there messing with the brightness dial... ::)  It won't happen again! :P

--- End quote ---

Is there anyone else seeing this runway/taxiway brightness issue on approach to 19R at night?  I know this may seem funny but I'm seriously wondering is this just me or not...  :-\

--- End quote ---

Dillon, there is no ILS for the 19's at Vegas...hence the dim lights your seeing. ILS and the associated ILS lighting equipment. The 19's have RNAV appoaches. What is interesting is that the RNAV 19R approach brings you in a an angle to avoid the strip..flew it last night. The lighting is fine. The runways with ILS at Vegas are the 25's and 1L only.


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