Author Topic: After installation + activation of KLAS all FSDT-FSX sceneries are in test?  (Read 27085 times)


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After I have installed and activated KLAS, ALL FSDreamteam FSX-Airports
are without the terminal buildings i.e. looks like in test mode. All have been
bought and have activated status. FS9 installations are still fine.
Re-Installations does not change this.
How can this be fixed?

Gerhard Dresch


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just forgot...    Addon Manager is available and shows active status.

Gerhard Dresch


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This doesn't have anything to do with activation. Your activation hasn't been lost.

It's just that KLAS requires all the previous sceneries to be updated.

The KLAS installer automatically updates all your older sceneries, but of course only the ones it finds when it runs. If you re-installed other FSDT sceneries using the installers you already had, after installing KLAS, you have undone the update.

So, you need to do ONE of these:

1) Re-run the KLAS installer, after you have finished installing the other FSDT sceneries

2) Download the Stand-alone Addon Manager and run that one, after you have finished installing the other FSDT sceneries

3) Download again and install the full installers for the other sceneries, because they have been all updated

Any method will work the same, just choose whichever way you prefer.


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Thanks for immediate response.
Have re-installed LSZH, LSGG, KORD and KJFK but nothing changed.
Also re-installed addon manager. Also KLAS is still without terminal.

Any further idea?

Gerhard Dresch


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Thanks for immediate response. Have re-installed LSZH, LSGG, KORD and KJFK but nothing changed.

I haven't told you to reinstall the other sceneries (unless you re-download them all), you need to reinstall KLAS again, so it can update the *other* sceneries. If you install the other sceneries using the installers you already have, it's normal you have lost KLAS.

So, I'll repeat it again: you need to do ONE of these:

1) Re-run the KLAS installer, after you have finished installing the other FSDT sceneries, so it can update the other sceneries.

2) Download the Stand-alone Addon Manager and run that one, after you have finished installing the other FSDT sceneries, so it can update the other sceneries.

3) Download again and install the full installers for the other sceneries, because they have been all updated

Any method will work the same, just choose whichever way you prefer. Don't reinstall the other sceneries, unless you re-download them all now.


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Sorry, but this is absolutely missleading.
Does this mean the old downloads are changing
after the installation and are not usable anymore?

So whenever You say, "install the other sceneries",
You mean "first re-download them"?


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Does this mean the old downloads are changing after the installation and are not usable anymore?

Of course not, just that you always need to run the KLAS installer AFTER them, so it can get the chance to update them.

If you want to keep your older downloads, and (for any reason) you don't want to reinstall KLAS (which doesn't create any problem, anyway), you should at least download the current Stand Alone Addon Manager, which is a much shorter download, because it includes only the updates for the sceneries, not the full sceneries.

You should only re-download the older sceneries, if you don't want to remember the fact you need to always install KLAS or the Stand-Alone Addon Manager after the other sceneries to update them.


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Understand. But things must be a bit more complicate this end.
I have re-downloaded and re-installed KLAS now. Nothing else.
Do You agree, that at least I should have terminal at KLAS, independant
what´s gona happen with the older installations? (which I have not checked yet)
Unfortunately I don´t have!



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Do You agree, that at least I should have terminal at KLAS, independant what´s gona happen with the older installations? (which I have not checked yet)Unfortunately I don´t have!

Yes, of course. You should see at least KLAS, even if you other sceneries are not updated.

If you see the Addon Manager in the menu, and it says KLAS is active, than it's active and the program runs properly. However, in FSX you also need the other module ( Couatl.exe ) to run, in order to see the scenery.

Do you see the "Couatl powered plugin..." menu under the Addons menu ?


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No, dont see that.

How can I fix it?

Gerhard Dresch


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No, dont see that.

That's why you don't see anything. Do you at least remember if you had a request to trust it ?

Can you please try this once, Uninstall KLAS, and say it to remove both the Addon Manager and the Couatl engine at the end ?

Then, go to your FSX.CFG, located at %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX and open it with a text editor.

Find, under the [trusted] sections, all the lines that have a reference to Couatl.exe inside (it will be a long line with many random characters inside) and remove the whole line, and repeat this for every line that contains Couatl.exe, if there are more than one.

Then, reinstall KLAS, and check you get asked about trusting the Couatl Scripting Engine at start. You need to reply Yes, of course.

If you don't see the Couatl menu under Addons the first time, it's not a problem. Just launch FSX again.

If you still don't see it, then report back.


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At the end of uninstalling KLAS got error-message when updating exe.xml:
"End tag Launch.Addon does not agree with start tag Simbase.document"
Exe.xml has not been updated.
Remember that I´ve seen it already at the end of the installation.

Furthermore have no Couatl.exe entries at all in FSX.CFG.
Have stopped at this point. How shall I proceed?

Gerhard Dresch


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Regarding the error on updating the EXE.XML....
To me it looks like that FSDT-installer does not update this file
properly as far as the tags are concerned. Maybe only if there is already an
entry from another addon available which is the case here. I already got this error on
other FSDT-Installations except the first one and I never recognized
Couatl in FSX-menu. However my other airports (LSZH,KORD,KJFK,LSGG)
were fine untill the KLAS installation. Strange.

Gerhard Dresch


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At the end of uninstalling KLAS got error-message when updating exe.xml: "End tag Launch.Addon does not agree with start tag Simbase.document" Exe.xml has not been updated.

This message means your EXE.XML was already corrupted before the installation. The installer will FIRST check it, and if any syntax error is found, it will not touch it. As you said yourself, you did see the error during installation, meaning the corruption was due to something else, because the first thing the installer does is to check the file and, if any error is found, it will NOT dare to touch it, and it would issue a warning that the file has an error and should be fixed first. This was probably caused either by another addon, or by hand-editing the file.

If you post your EXE.XML I can fix it for you, it will proably just a missing closing tag. Or, if you just delete it, our installer will create a new one from scratch that is surely correct.


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Regarding the error on updating the EXE.XML....
To me it looks like that FSDT-installer does not update this file
properly as far as the tags are concerned. Maybe only if there is already an
entry from another addon available which is the case here. I already got this error on
other FSDT-Installations except the first one and I never recognized
Couatl in FSX-menu. However my other airports (LSZH,KORD,KJFK,LSGG)
were fine untill the KLAS installation. Strange.

Gerhard Dresch

Mr. Gerhard Dresch,

I have had the same EXE.xml file issue since the release of KJFK and the Coualt engine's ParkMe/YouControl.  Recently, Virtuali suggested that I try seperating the TAG entires statements on seperate lines and that fixed it; in my case the <PATH> and <NAME> tags were listed on the same lines and this screwed up the way the installer would install/update the EXE.xml file by completely deleting the original EXE.xml file and replacing it with its own new File; instead of just inserting the necessary code for coualt.  This resulted in countless attempts on my part to figure out what was causing this only to find out that TIDY.exe (a component of the installer) wasn't doing the job properly.  Apparently this happens for the freeware AICarrier tool and many of Wilco's aircraft models that install/use the EXE.xml file.  I always backed-up my exe.xml file just to be sure; for me the AICarriers code was being deleted.

Next, thank you for placing this "Disapearing" scenery elements issue on the forums; I just noticed this post after I'd reported it to Virtuali via PM.  Now, I know what to do to try and resolve it.  But, I have another (private) issue with addon manager that Virtuali is helping me to resolve and that is why I didn't post this before here.  Not to worry it has NOTHING to do with the product; its a windows registry issue.

Anyway, hope this helps you and thanks for helping me.  ;)


PS: Virtuali,
I'll use the re-install KLAS as my option to see if that will resolve the disappearing scenery elements that I mentioned to you in the PM; Also, do let me know about the other question in the PM. Thanks.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 09:36:28 pm by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams