Author Topic: O'Hare V2 - New features  (Read 137092 times)


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2018, 04:17:58 am »
Unlike some here, i'm not trying to convince people one way or another to stay or depart with FSX....To each his/her own....

Have a super day!


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2018, 05:59:45 pm »
so will this same development team basically "maintain" KORD as construction phases goes on?

Actually was wondering the same thing as I flew out there last week.  One of American's hangars appears to be in active state of disassembly, and 32L is now a paved-over taxiway...

Curious the timestamp this version will be.

Anders Bermann

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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2018, 06:37:44 pm »
Time to find another hobby i gues.... ::)

Hahaha. Wow, just wow. Because you want to stick with a decade old piece of software and companies don't want to support it anymore (about time they dropped FSX development as that is useless junk now) you are going to give up flight simming instead of upgrading to P3D? You got issues.

Best regards, Anders


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2018, 12:21:23 am »
I'm still on Windows 3.11! Do you plan to develop an extra 16 bit version for me?

Everything stutters and it is tough to find drivers for my GTX 1060 graphic card! I am really angry!

Sorry, i'm just kidding and could not hold me back. I loved FSX back in the 90s...


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2018, 08:24:26 pm »
Time to find another hobby i gues.... ::)

Hahaha. Wow, just wow. Because you want to stick with a decade old piece of software and companies don't want to support it anymore (about time they dropped FSX development as that is useless junk now) you are going to give up flight simming instead of upgrading to P3D? You got issues.

Tell you what...How about you send me the money to upgrade to P3D?.....Didn't think so.....


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2018, 05:34:17 pm »
Tell you what...How about you send me the money to upgrade to P3D?.....Didn't think so.....

Well, if you have waited until now to upgrade to P3D, you have saved quite a bit of money compared to those that followed it all along and bought 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0.

And, you saved quite a bit of money too, because Microsoft Flight Simulator is not updated every 2 years, as it used to be before.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #51 on: May 03, 2018, 08:01:31 am »
Tell you what...How about you send me the money to upgrade to P3D?.....Didn't think so.....

Well, if you have waited until now to upgrade to P3D, you have saved quite a bit of money compared to those that followed it all along and bought 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0.

And, you saved quite a bit of money too, because Microsoft Flight Simulator is not updated every 2 years, as it used to be before.

Not to mention the fact that the cost of P3D is roughly $20 - 40USD *cheaper* than the cost of FS98, FS2000, FS8 (FS2002), FS9 (2004), FSX, and FSX SP2 (acceleration packs included) at the time they were released. So even with that he would have saved money.



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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #52 on: May 03, 2018, 02:05:30 pm »
In what universe is P3D $20? Not this one......


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2018, 03:56:41 pm »
In what universe is P3D $20? Not this one......

Maybe you should re-read the sentence: he said it's 20$ cheaper than the cost of FS98, FS2000, FS8 (FS2002), FS9 (2004), FSX, and FSX SP2 (acceleration packs included) at the time they were released

Which is certainly true, at least in case of comparing FSX+Acceleration Pack (59$+39$ if I remember correctly) against P3D Academic. But that's not really the point.

The point is, until 2007, when the last FSX (Acceleration Pack) was officially released, Microsoft ALWAYS released a new version of Flight Sim, exactly every 2 years..

So, again, if you haven't updated to P3D so far, even getting a Pro license (not everybody might entitle for the Academic one), WILL still be cheaper for you compared to an alternate reality, in which there's no P3D at all, and Microsoft continued releasing a new version of MS Flight Sim every 2 years, as it always did.

A funny post from 12 years ago, saying the "real" cost of FSX is in fact $4000+


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #54 on: May 03, 2018, 05:09:39 pm »
I stand corrected... I read it incorrectly as "$20, $40 cheaper" rather than "$20 to $40 cheaper"....

Have a super day!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 05:28:23 pm by jwyman »


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #55 on: May 03, 2018, 08:04:48 pm »
In what universe is P3D $20? Not this one......

As you mentioned, you misread the sentence. That's okay.

What I was meaning was this. At the time, FS2004 was a $79 package when it was released. FS2002 was roughly the same. Comparing that to P3D, where it is $40-$60 when released (and that's assuming Academic version), you're paying roughly $20 - $40 less than you would have for FS2004 or FS2002.

I didn't buy FSX until well after it was discontinued, and that was only for the FSDT's KLAS going 64bit. I got it for $15 as it was being cleared out, so that was a no-brainer I then also went with P3Dv3, and since then, went to P3Dv4.x, and haven't looked back at FSX, except for if some aircraft I use works for FSX, but not P3D, which the conversion tool works great for that.

My point here is that even over the course of their 2 year cycle, in cycles of the releases for MSFS, you could have bought an additional version of P3D, if not two. So that would have given you much more frequent updates, and an additional licensed copy.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 08:06:50 pm by bradl »


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2018, 12:15:28 am »
What I was meaning was this. At the time, FS2004 was a $79 package when it was released. FS2002 was roughly the same. Comparing that to P3D, where it is $40-$60 when released (and that's assuming Academic version), you're paying roughly $20 - $40 less than you would have for FS2004 or FS2002.

Meeehhh that's not false, but it's a little bit of a spin to make P3D look more economical :)

Yes, FS2004 was like $79 - IF you got the edition with the collector's tin and all ('tis a nice tin, too :D ).  If you got the plain ol' edition, it was about $50.  Same with FSX and I think 2002 if memory serves - the "Deluxe" edition or whatever it was called for 2002 (don't feel like digging my disks out of the basement closet to check) was like $79.99 US, but the Standard edition was $49.99 US.  Being a relatively avid simmer, i'd always bought the Deluxe/Collectors/Whatever edition, but there was always a cheaper version available.

Prepar3d is like $59 for the Academic license - yes, about $20 bucks cheaper than the higher end editions of MSFS, but about $10 more than the "standard" edition of MSFS.  BUT - not all of us are students or undergraduates...  So, there's a lot of people who aren't buying the $59 Academic license for Prepar3d v4, we've bought the $199 Professional version.

But - it's not the cost of the simulation itself that's the issue.  To "convert" to Prepar3d, I've spent about $400 on other software "upgrades" alone, and it's only that low because I can't justify shelling out $135 for a particular 777 that I just don't have the time to take on a journey worthy of the cost....  And I have a lot more to spend still on aircraft that are currently available that I used to have for FSX, plus a couple more that AREN'T yet available.  Plus, seeing how my previous rig performed with FSX, I didn't feel it was going to be worthy of even bothering to put Prepar3d v4 on it, so add $2200 for that as well.... 

My point here is that even over the course of their 2 year cycle, in cycles of the releases for MSFS, you could have bought an additional version of P3D, if not two. So that would have given you much more frequent updates, and an additional licensed copy.

True, BUT, consider this.....   The fact that FSX wasn't changed is the reason I was able give so much cash to the likes of FSDT, Flightbeam, Aerosoft, etc.  I didn't buy a whole lot of add-ons when the simulator was likely to change in two years.  Bought a few, mostly aircraft, but scenery?  Not really.  The fact FSX was all there was going to be for a long time was what allowed me to justify the cost of the many scenery/airport add-ons I have now (and so far, that's been the one major reason I've been able to stomach the cost of moving over to P3d, so, thank you FSDT and others for at least making the scenery work in Prepar3d for generally no or very little cost!! :) ).  I'm willing to bet i'm not alone in that.

In short, understand that there can be a significant cost in moving sim platforms.  To some of the other posters on here - please try to respect those that don't have the cash to dive into a major simulator upgrade....  For some it's no problem, for many (like me) we can handle it but only after a LOT of consideration, and for others, it just won't be possible.

As to the topic at hand though - i am really excited for the new features that are being previewed for KORD, and i am glad i am one of those who were able to make the switch to Prepar3d v4.  Can't wait to fly into KORD when it's completed!!


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2018, 07:36:23 am »
At the time, FS2004 was a $79 package when it was released. FS2002 was roughly the same. Comparing that to P3D, where it is $40-$60 when released (and that's assuming Academic version), you're paying roughly $20 - $40 less than you would have for FS2004 or FS2002.

And that even without taking 15 years of inflation into account:


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2018, 01:28:06 pm »
"In short, understand that there can be a significant cost in moving sim platforms.  To some of the other posters on here - please try to respect those that don't have the cash to dive into a major simulator upgrade....  For some it's no problem, for many (like me) we can handle it but only after a LOT of consideration, and for others, it just won't be possible."

Thank you for stating this... This is a fact ovelooked by many...



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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #59 on: May 04, 2018, 01:39:49 pm »
"In short, understand that there can be a significant cost in moving sim platforms.

By making all our sceneries and GSX, working in P3D4, without asking a cent for existing users, I believe we did our part helping users moving to the new sim as effortlessly as possible, and this includes also the new installer, which use a shared folder for all supported simulators, which is also another help during a period of transition, when you keep using both sims.