Developer's Backdoor > Chicago O'Hare V2

O'Hare V2 - New features

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Awesome, thanks for the work done Umberto and FSDT Team.
Looking forward to release day

Kind regards

Thank you FSDT family for doing KORD this way.. Hoping KIAH will get the same luv eventually & be made for P3D V4 also this way as well be updated with their new C gates & remainder of B gates when those get done.. + Plus the other side of C concourse when real IAH gets around to doing that..  would love to see KIAH get this kind of Luv that KORD is getting..  :)

We just updated KIAH to support native P3D ground texture. It won't look any different, but it should fix every issue related to ground flickering. But yes, after KORD is release, we'll look again at all airports, one by one.

u said KIAH is updated?when will the new installer be available if dont mind me asking please?thank you


--- Quote from: virtuali on March 07, 2018, 01:11:21 pm ---after KORD is release, we'll look again at all airports, one by one.
--- End quote ---

Wow, great, I hope Zurich will have a new version too.
Seeing a major European airport in FSDT's new quality would be a blast!  :o

As for the KORDv2's preview video, I am simply amazed.
What made me most impressed, however, is the information on no FPS cost for all the awesome features.
I can't wait!


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