Author Topic: O'Hare V2 - New features  (Read 136102 times)


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2018, 03:48:11 am »

would it be compatible to Aerosoft US Cities X Chicago? In other words, do you pay attention to this?

I own AS Chicago and ORBX Meigs and your O'Hare Airport would make the whole area perfect and one of my favorites...


I heard drzewiecki design is making another city project with chicago


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2018, 01:59:19 pm »
Stunning! Great news! You have no idea how much I am anticipating your updated airports!
Yours truly
Boaz Fraizer
Copenhagen, Denmark


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2018, 02:00:53 am »
Looking good!

The big question is will there be that multi-second freeze as you fly into view of the airport as it loads like all the previous scenery you have?  Always seems like my sim is about to CTD when it happens.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2018, 10:23:42 pm »
The big question is will there be that multi-second freeze as you fly into view of the airport as it loads like all the previous scenery you have?  Always seems like my sim is about to CTD when it happens.

That so called "freeze", at least under a 32 bit sim, is what instead could have SAVED your from an OOM CTD, something that another scenery purely based on .BGL might not do, because you were sure that until before that moment basically NOTHING of our scenery was taking away precious memory. It's a very well known fact that memory taken by sceneries are not always reclaimed, which is why lots of users used scenery management utilities to configure the sim to activate only the sceneries required for their trip, to prevent unrelated scenery to take away resources, but this wasn't required with FSDT sceneries "thanks" our custom memory management.

Now, under 64 bit we can be a bit more relaxed, possibly loading the scenery way more in advance, doing it slowly over time, so you won't really notice it. The interesting thing, again thanks to our software, is that we can tweak it as much as we like, without this ever affecting the scenery design process, because it's just some parameters to tweak in the software, like how much in advance load the scenery, how many object to create in any given time interval, etc.

Of course, that's only possible because we are in 64 bit. Before, it wasn't really possible to SLOWLY start loading a scenery from 60 NM, and taking several minutes, in the background, to complete it, because it WOULD OOM. Because this is basically what the default method of loading .BGLs works, and developers have no control over it so, in 32 bit, it was either create less detailed scenery, or risk OOMs.

So yes, I think we can now achieve a better loading process.

And, lots more of the scenery WILL be made in (fully P3D4 native) .BGL format, because thanks to LUA scripting, it's possible to make things like multiseasonal textures or multi-layered ground polygons without having to use Simobjects, so the loading process we'll have to manage from the software will definitely be shorter.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2018, 04:21:31 am »
Thanks for the explanation.  Is there something I can tweak with your current scenery in v4.2 that could alleviate this freeze or is this only accomplished via your LUA scripts for future updates and/or newer scenery?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 12:36:41 pm by virtuali »

Sim PC: Intel i7 7820x OC 4.8GHz, XSPC RayStorm D5 EX240 Cooling, Rampage VI APEX MB, 32GB DDR4-3200 RAM, EVGA GTX 1080ti SC 11GB, 2xSamsung EVO 970 1TB NVMe, Samsung 840 SSD 1TB, Corsair 1200AX PS.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2018, 12:41:39 pm »
Thanks for the explanation.  Is there something I can tweak with your current scenery in v4.2 that could alleviate this freeze or is this only accomplished via your LUA scripts for future updates and/or newer scenery?

We might probably do something for the previous sceneries, by increasing their initial loading range, and load each object one by one, slowly over time, something that we can surely do now, in 64 bit, but wasn't feasible before, since it would increas the memory usage.

And of course, as usual, there's no free lunch because, if we increase the loading range and start to load objects earlier, these WILL affect fps on nearby airports. Case in point: JFK affecting fps at LGA, when you want to just use LGA.

So, as annoying the "freeze" might be, it's still something that both prevents OOMs (not really necessary in 64 bit) AND keeps the fps up, which is STILL necessary in 64 and, I daresay it's even MORE necessary in 64 bit because, a disturbing pattern I'm starting to see, which I was sure it would happen, is that now developers won't restrain themselves anymore, as they were *forced* to do so before, so they just go "all in" with stuff, just because the sim won't OOM. That's just wrong, because fps are still a concern.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 07:01:38 pm by virtuali »


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2018, 03:42:59 pm »
I hear ya Umberto!  That whole New York area is a tough one to handle.  My sim freezes a few times going into any one of the three majors in that area.  Not a whole lot we can do other than reduce the detail level when flying in that area.

I'm starting to see that trend of increased texture detail use with v4.  It really makes no sense.  You need to be right upfront with the buildings/structures in order to see any increased level of detail with 2k and 4k textures.  99% of the time you'll be thousands of feet above or away from it.  It will also start hurting those who do not have the horsepower to handle the loading of these insane textures, hence the stutters, drop in frame rates and eventually out of memory(VRAM & DRAM memory).  Devs need to be vigilant of this and restrain from going too crazy with the detail and/or continue to provide installation options to the user on detail levels they want to use.

Unfortunately, a lot users still don't get it and will continue to complain about performance when they max all settings.  No one can fix that!


Sim PC: Intel i7 7820x OC 4.8GHz, XSPC RayStorm D5 EX240 Cooling, Rampage VI APEX MB, 32GB DDR4-3200 RAM, EVGA GTX 1080ti SC 11GB, 2xSamsung EVO 970 1TB NVMe, Samsung 840 SSD 1TB, Corsair 1200AX PS.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2018, 03:31:44 pm »
The big question is will there be that multi-second freeze as you fly into view of the airport as it loads like all the previous scenery you have?  Always seems like my sim is about to CTD when it happens.

That so called "freeze", at least under a 32 bit sim, is what instead could have SAVED your from an OOM CTD, something that another scenery purely based on .BGL might not do, because you were sure that until before that moment basically NOTHING of our scenery was taking away precious memory. It's a very well known fact that memory taken by sceneries are not always reclaimed, which is why lots of users used scenery management utilities to configure the sim to activate only the sceneries required for their trip, to prevent unrelated scenery to take away resources, but this wasn't required with FSDT sceneries "thanks" our custom memory management.

Now, under 64 bit we can be a bit more relaxed, possibly loading the scenery way more in advance, doing it slowly over time, so you won't really notice it. The interesting thing, again thanks to our software, is that we can tweak it as much as we like, without this ever affecting the scenery design process, because it's just some parameters to tweak in the software, like how much in advance load the scenery, how many object to create in any given time interval, etc.

Of course, that's only possible because we are in 64 bit. Before, it wasn't really possible to SLOWLY start loading a scenery from 60 NM, and taking several minutes, in the background, to complete it, because it WOULD OOM. Because this is basically what the default method of loading .BGLs works, and developers have no control over it so, in 32 bit, it was either create less detailed scenery, or risk OOMs.

So yes, I think we can now achieve a better loading process.

And, lots more of the scenery WILL be made in (fully P3D4 native) .BGL format, because thanks to LUA scripting, it's possible to make things like multiseasonal textures or multi-layered ground polygons without having to use Simobjects, so the loading process we'll have to manage from the software will definitely be shorter.

Can I change the fsdt prepar3d.cfg options for p3d v4 to better numbers for the 64bit sim?


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2018, 04:39:05 pm »
Well said, Rob ;)
Letting go of old versions of simulators will save an enormous amount of effort by the developers.

follow the money trail...... FSX still has a HUGE base of users......

Anders Bermann

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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2018, 05:48:41 pm »
Well said, Rob ;)
Letting go of old versions of simulators will save an enormous amount of effort by the developers.

follow the money trail...... FSX still has a HUGE base of users......

Huge user base ... but dwindling.

Personally I applause developers like FSDT, FlightBeam and FlyTampa who are leaving the old legacy platforms behind and solely focusing on the 64-bit architecture.
It's a sound business decision, IMO.
Best regards, Anders


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2018, 10:32:45 am »
follow the money trail...... FSX still has a HUGE base of users......

It's questionable how much stuff they will still buy, since they KNOW their sim is dead, just like FS9 was a few years ago (and funny enough, users said the same about FS9 still going strong when we dumped it) and by making a sub-par product, because it has to run in the more limited 32 bit memory space and cannot use the better and more efficient P3D4 SDK features, we'll end up making an inferior product for P3D4 users, so the damage to sales would be far greater.

Of course, the FSX user base can only go down, while the P3D4 user base can only go up.

It's way more likely we'll support FSW and X-Plane in the future.

We are taking an hard look at both and, while X-Plane looks to be the better product, there is a lot we must learn about it (and some things we require are still unfinished) before we can think of releasing something but, we already have a Beta of our software running under FSW, it's just the sim itself has still too many bugs to fix, so we'll have to wait for it too.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2018, 02:39:20 pm »
Hello guys,

I am also really locking forward to this project, and I'll be definetely a instant buyer. What do you guys think how long its gonna take until its ready to release?


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2018, 11:25:56 am »
We don't have any release date to announce right now, only that it will be available sometime in 2018, as the video says.


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2018, 07:38:31 pm »
So nothing for FSX? Really?


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Re: O'Hare V2 - New features
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2018, 11:31:04 am »
So nothing for FSX? Really?

Really. As we already announced (together with several very well known scenery developers), a while ago:,16116.0.html

The first post in this very thread, further clarify how much better our product can be without having to develop them for FSX too.