This is an example of how much we can improve performances by using the P3D4 SDK to the fullest extent. Here's a comparison screenshot of the existing Docking System as supplied with GSX, compared to a new version of the object, made with the P3D4 SDK and designed to use our new DirectX 11 Render to Texture method, like in the Information panels in new O'Hare scenery.
As you can see, the improvements are dramatic: we go down from 159 to 3 Drawcalls (Drawcalls are bad for fps), from 1476 to 76 Triangles, from 2891 to 117 Texture Vertices, and from 155 to 0 Visibility Conditions.
Drawcalls are bad for fps, because each one breaks the rendering pipeline, not allowing to draw objects in batch. And Visibility scripts are bad too, because even if they are small, each one is executed at each frame. By getting rid of both, we can reduce the rendering impact a lot, and be able to afford better modeling and still be faster than before.