Not as easy as it seems. Our pushback it's not a "dumb" algorithm like the ones used by several airplanes, which simply tell "go backward x meters, turn this direction, stop", but in order to have the path following the taxiways and, most important, ending lined up with them, it solves a mathematical bezier spline over the nodes of the scenery AFCAD so, it's guaranteed it will use a proper turn radius and will end up perfectly lined up with the taxiway at the end, everywhere.
If we added something like that, we'd affect the possible solution for that spline that, eventually, might start to "pinch", resulting in totally weird paths.
So, the best solution to perfect this, which works 99% of the times perfectly, is to act on that single problematic airport, which most likely has either nodes too close to the parking, or some other unusual node configuration, which would cause the curve being fit in a way that required to turn early.