Author Topic: KLAS will NOT uninstall  (Read 5069 times)


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KLAS will NOT uninstall
« on: March 12, 2018, 04:20:55 am »
I'm running P3DV3.4, had KLAS installed for over a year with no issues other than some misplaced taxiway signs.  Recently I bought FSDT KFLL and once installed, problems - grass, taxiway and some runway textures would grey out on final approach regardless of aircraft beginning about 200 ft AGL - by the time I landed, they were all grey.  Departing from the airport this doesn't happen.  Then, a flight to KLAS showed taxiway signs, some runway markings and a layer of God knows what floating above the airport a few hundred feet above the rest of the scenery. Uninstalling/reinstalling KLAS did not fix the issue so I uninstalled KFLL, then tried to do the same for KLAS.  Default scenery is now there again but EVERY TIME i fire up P3D I get a message stating that add-on scenery for KLAS cannot be found.  I did the uninstall through control panel, deactivated it through Add-On mgr ...nope, still get that message regardless.  Moreover, KLAS still sits numero uno in my scenery list, only its greyed out so I can't click on it, move it, delete it - it just sits there.  I've since uninstalled Add-on Mgr and anything and everything associated with FSDT, including GSX - clicked on REMOVE for the add-on mgr and STILL that startup message about KLAS scenery remains.  I've looked through P3D files (to the extent that I can), through Admin appdata, anything i can think of but this virus-like program will NOT go away.  KFLL is gone, GSX gone, menus for add-on mgr in P3D gone, airport scenery/buildings for KLAS gone BUT the sim still seems to think its there somewhere.   I'm not a programmer but I have NEVER had an issue with an add-on scenery like this - please respond. 


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Re: KLAS will NOT uninstall
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2018, 10:43:59 am »
If you had KLAS installed with an old installer, one that didn't allow to install outside the sim, and then installed something using a new installer, it "migrated" your KLAS installation to the new folder.

This has saved you from redownloading and reinstalling KLAS, but has the side effect that its existing Uninstaller (which was created when you originally installed KLAS), won't work anymore, because it cannot remove files that has been moved from their original location, in this case by the migration process.

The solution is to reinstall KLAS using the latest installer, uninstall it, and reinstall it again: it should clean up everything.

If you have elevation issues with KLAS, and you have OrbX scenery, be sure you download the OrbX fix for KLAS, which can be downloaded from the OrbX forum.


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Re: KLAS will NOT uninstall
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2018, 10:50:50 am »
Ok, thanks so much.  I'll give it a try


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Re: KLAS will NOT uninstall
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2018, 12:23:26 pm »
OK ...I reinstalled the latest FSDT KLAS (bought mine from Simmarket and the file size was a bit different than before so I'm assuming its the latest) - then uninstalled it, so far so good.  The problem I'm having is finding this elevation fix, spent an hour in the ORBX forum, went back 60 pages into it (I saw in this forum that the fix was there circa July 2017) but cant find it.  Doing multiple searches didnt help - does anyone have a link to where this can be found?  I'd like to have it in hand before I do the latest re-install. 

Thanks again


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Re: KLAS will NOT uninstall
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2018, 12:42:50 pm »
Doing multiple searches didnt help - does anyone have a link to where this can be found?