Author Topic: Errors when running FSX  (Read 11742 times)


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Errors when running FSX
« on: April 19, 2009, 05:28:18 pm »
I'm running FSX SP2 on an AMD 64 dual core with Vista 64 bit Ultimate.  The program appears to install correctly - but when FSX is started I receive a message "FSX encountered a problem with bglmanx.dll - do you wish to run the program?"  If I choose "YES" FSX crashes to desktop.  If I choose "NO" - obviously FSX will run but the terminals are not visible.

Have uninstalled and reinstalled 2x.  I run FSX with Admin so permissions should not be a problem.  Any ideas?



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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 05:35:21 pm »
This has been answered many times already, it's a known FSX bug that, a newly trusted module usually crashes at the first launch. You need to always reply YES, and don't worry if FSX crashes. Just re-launch it again. If it doesn't work at the 2nd launch, reboot Windows, then try launching it again.

If it still doesn't work, do this, only this, and exactly this, in this order:

1) uninstall replying Yes to the questions about removing both the Addon Manager and the Couatl Engine that will be made at the end of the installation.

2) verify no bglmanx*.* files are left in the FSX main folder. If there are, remove them all manually.

3) reboot

4) Reinstall KLAS

5) Launch FSX

6) If you get any error, IGNORE IT and ALLOW FSX to run

7) Try again. If it doesn't work yet, reboot Windows another time and try lanching FSX again, don't uninstall/reinstall another time, don't do anything else and if it still doesn't work, report back.


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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 03:46:40 am »
Followed procedures - no change.  Program still crashes to desktop (with the error message "Program had a problem and needed to close"

Interesting:  When running the uninstall, the program continually reports that it "could not find file" while running the uninstall.  It does remove all the files though.



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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 11:57:52 am »
Followed procedures - no change.  Program still crashes to desktop (with the error message "Program had a problem and needed to close"

Do you run some kind of antivirus program with heuristic detection on ? Try turning it off, or at least turn heuristic detection off.

If it still doens't work, you might try turning DEP off, as explained here:

Or try to turn off UAC (User Account Control) from the Control Panel, under the Account section.

Anyway, this should't be necessary, because I've run FSX with our products under Vista x64 with both UAC and DEP turned on, and it works without problems so, perhaps there's something else wrong with your system config (try antivirus first)

Interesting:  When running the uninstall, the program continually reports that it "could not find file" while running the uninstall.  It does remove all the files though.

Not a problem, it's a message of the uninstaller program that will always appear if it tries to delete a file that has been already deleted.


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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 02:07:12 pm »
I don't mean to cause trouble here but I have the same problem with bglmanx.dll as the others.  Yes, this question has been answered many times and I've had the very same problem everytime you folks release a new airport package.  What I want to know is - when are you folks going to get rid of this useless and error-causing method of verifying the purchase of software.  This one tool causes more errors than any other software problem associated with FSX.

You guys make wonderful software.  You use a piece of crap (IMHO) to ensure your software is not stolen.  Come on guys.  Think of us poor users for a change.  Get rid of this method and go to using keys or something - everyone else uses these.  Please, please.



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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2009, 02:42:57 pm »
What I want to know is - when are you folks going to get rid of this useless and error-causing method of verifying the purchase of software.  This one tool causes more errors than any other software problem associated with FSX.

First, you are confusing two different problems. After reading his 2nd post, it seems the other user doesn't have the notorious "Trusting" error, meaning that a known FSX bug that a newly trusted module, sometimes just crash the first time it gets launched.

This is probably the error you are getting instead, because you say it only happens with new releases of the software, and that's is NOT caused by the software, but by the trusting mechanism of FSX.

I get this error sometimes, randomly, from every other 3rd party module, like LVLD.DLL, PMDGOptions.dll, Wilco, it ALWAYS goes away after either a 2nd launch or a reboot. Our module is not any different, it's just that we updated it more often, that's why you get the wrong impression that it happens more with our module, because the trigger is the *trusting* mechanism, and this get in the way each time the file is updated so, if a developer updates a module less often, you might just forget the problem happened with that module as well but, as I've said, I get it from every other module out there, usually when there's a new version that has just been released.

The above user doesn't seem to have THIS problem, but it just crashes, according to his description so, we'll find what it is, and it's 100% sure it's a conflict with something else, most likely antivirus and, guess what, Flight1 has *exactly* the same issues with antivirus, which is a known issue as well...and of course, it's the antivirus's fault.

You guys make wonderful software.  You use a piece of crap (IMHO) to ensure your software is not stolen.  Come on guys.  Think of us poor users for a change.  Get rid of this method and go to using keys or something - everyone else uses these.  Please, please.

Sorry, but this is just out of the question. We can change everything in our software, except this. The software works, and when it doesn't we DO provide support for it. End of the discussion.

And, your suggestion would not make any sense because the Addon Manager, as explained COUNTLESS of times (it's even on the FAQ page), doesn't do JUST activation. EVEN if we DID change the sales system, using a different sales system and a different activation system (which we are not going to do in any case), the Addon Manager will STILL be needed and will still there, because we can't simply do anything in FSX without it, because it handles almost everything we do with the scenery.

If you follow this thread here:

You would see why the Addon Manager does far more than "just" activation because, with a simple update of it, made after the user suggestion, we were able to add an optimization feature that automatically improved ALL the released sceneries, without even patching the sceneries! It wouldn't have been possible to do something like that, if we were using just .BGL, this is the final proof how important the Addon Manager is, and how it's one of the reason why our FSX sceneries performs better than anything else (many thought something like JFK in FSX was not possible...) And this, of course, doesn't have anything to do with the activation.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 02:57:02 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2009, 04:15:58 pm »
Disabled heuristic protection and then the entire virus/firewall program - no change.

DEP is already turned off for FSX - should I also turn it off for coatl.exe?  UAC shouldn't be an issue - FSX is running in full admin mode and all permission for the folder have been tweaked (had to do it for another company's stuff).

The error log shows in all instances that the faulting module is StackHash_586c if that means anything.

Also - checked the event logs for the firewall and virus software - nothing is reported being blocked.



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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 04:25:08 pm »
DEP is already turned off for FSX - should I also turn it off for coatl.exe?  UAC shouldn't be an issue - FSX is running in full admin mode and all permission for the folder have been tweaked (had to do it for another company's stuff).

Well, it's strange, because DEP shouldn't be an issue: I run always with DEP on and UAC as well.

However, have you tried turning off DEP system-wide, as instructed in my other post ? Because, as far as I remember, turning off DEP in FSX doesn't do anything, because FSX doesn't allow to be un-DEP-ed itself so, you need to turn it off globally.

If you contact me via email, I can send you a debug version of the .dll, and I might get some hints by looking at your log.


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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2010, 04:06:32 am »
I too and having a problem now starting FSX with any FSDT sceneries installed. I have followed the steps above with multiple restarts of FSX and the computer. Uninstalled, restart and installed. FSX still crashes everytime I start it up.


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Re: Errors when running FSX
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2010, 10:40:42 am »
Try this:

- Uninstall the scenery. Reply YES when asked if you want to remove the Addon Manager and the Couatl Engine. Reply YES to both questions.

- TURN OFF your antivirus. Don't just exit from its interface, but turn off the real time protection. Actual wording changes between products, however, it's the option to scan every file that gets open in real time, without user intervention.

- Reinstall the scenery with the Antivirus TURNED OFF. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Download and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FSX, available here:

- Don't launch FSX yet.

- Configure the antivirus to exclude the following files from scanning:


YourFSXFolder it's usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X, if you installed it in the default folder.

- Now you can turn the antivirus back on, and launch FSX.