How is this problem fixed? Can it be explained how to exclude Fort Hood to get rid of the overlappings?
It's clearly explained in the GSX Manual, Page 24, the explanation of the "airport_visibility" parameter.
As I've said in my previous message, what the Live Update fixed was JUST the issue of numbers in the airport_visibility string not recognized but, you still MUST create it yourself, it's not obviously possible for GSX to automatically decide by itself which airport you want to use, when there are two overlapping, with different ICAO codes.
So, if you follow the GSX manual, and create a proper airport_visibility for Fort Hood in the Couatladdons.INI file which, according to the GSX manual, should be:
airport_visibility_Z41 = 0
Will result in that airport being ignored by GSX and, since the January update, will be recognized correctly ( it wasn't before, because it contained a number in the ICAO code)