I have a couple of issues (hence the Subject) but will address them one by one.
First I have P3Dv4.1 and v3.4 running on Windows 10 Pro. I have a i7700K, 32GB RAM, 1TB EVO 960 SSD, 2TB WD HDD, 4 TB WD HDD, EVGA NVidia GTX 1080 8GB WC Video Card and 2 x LG 27" 4K monitors (connected by DP connectors) and have a 100Mb Fibre connection. Nothing is over-clocked. P3D is run in maximised Window mode and resolution is set to 3840x2160 on both monitors.
I also have SODE 1.5.3
Other addons include Orbx (all regions, LC's, Global, Vector, Trees and a few airports), ProATC/X, Ultimate Traffic Live, ActiveSky for P3Dv4 and ASCA (AS16 is networked for v3.4), TrackIR, Spad.NEXT, FSUIPC v5 (paid), FSCommander 9.6 Rev9, PFPX, fsAerodata (only run against v3.4), JoinFS, and ChasePlane. I now fly in v4 99% of the time and 90% of that in PMDG aircraft. Most scenery sliders are all the way over to the right, Dynamic Lighting is off but HDR is on
I do NOT have Anti-virus or Anti-malware installed and Windows Defender is disabled. I sit behind an Untangle NG Firewall. This computer is NOT used for anything other than flight-simming (I use another PC for painting, ADE, etc) and use StorageCraft SPX 6.7.2 for backing up my system.
So, now to my first issue
I can see (and use) the menus for SODE, Couatl and GSX in the Add-ons Menu with the single exception of "Show GSX Menu by-passing YouControl" in the GSX Menu. If I select that option or press Ctrl+F12 (or even Shift+Ctrl+F12) no menu appears in the sim.
I have placed some pictures here
http://s1329.photobucket.com/user/hazzanz/library/GSX. I have also attached files in a zip. They are split into two folders - those that came from the Program Data folder and those that come from the AppData folder. If I have missed anything please let me know.
I have read through these forums, Googled, run Live Update and reinstalled GSX all to no avail. I am probably missing something simple but then - I'm a simple man and I cannot seem to figure this out
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated