I use GSX since a month now, I am satisfied and everything seemed to work fine till shortly.
I try to configure an Airport Parkposition changing the "Marshall" or whatever else, click on "Apply" and it´s ok, then I close the configuration window and immediately get an error Message : an unknown Module
caused a problem in couatl. Here comes the Panic Log generated after this issue:
couatl v3.2 (build 3883)
panic log started on Sat Dec 16 17:13:31 2017
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\GSX\parkingDialog.py", line 484, in recreateObjects
AttributeError: 'Jetway' object has no attribute 'index'
{'Airport': 'EDDS', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate G 3', 'User Pos': (48.68923667818307, 9.195217341184614, 391.728 m, 2.80416 m, 343.5385437011718)}
I tried different airports as well, always the same problem/issue reported on the Panic Log: ...AttributeError: 'Jetway' object has no attribute 'index'....
I often configurated Airport positions in the last time, without any issues.... almost all of my FSX default and 3d part airports. Now when I close the GSX airport configuration window ( to go back into FSX-SE ) I get an error and couatl is stopped.
Don´t know if relevant, but I have to tell that shortly before I noticed this issue, Windows made the huge WIN10 Creators Fall Update (v1709) on my 64bit system. My configuration is WIN10 64bit (v1709), 8GB RAM, FSX-Steam Edition.
Would appreciate to know if someone else is getting the same issue, or it is only me.....
AddOn Manager is located on the default path on C:\\ , I made an exception for this folder on my AVIRA antivirus software (and it worked fine so, till the issue came out).
Any ideas about the origin/solution for this issue?
Regards, Pit.