FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

GA Traffic at the gates?

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"We are so, as long as we say (as we said, many times already by now) that once the FS9 file is finished, a similar FSX version WILL come, made by us, where, exactly, the issue is ?"

Oh is that right? Can you please point out where I may find this fsx afcad for Zurich? Numerous fs9 afcads have been out for ages, where is your afcad for LSZH? I shouldn't have to go hunting around for extra files just for basic operation of your scenery. You make wonderful scenery and thank you for that, but without an afcad it is incomplete


--- Quote from: big_al on April 26, 2009, 07:07:35 am ---Oh is that right? Can you please point out where I may find this fsx afcad for Zurich?
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In the scenery installer, of course. Where else ? Zurich has been updated 3 times, after the release, the current version is 1.4

--- Quote ---Numerous fs9 afcads have been out for ages, where is your afcad for LSZH? I shouldn't have to go hunting around for extra files just for basic operation of your scenery. You make wonderful scenery and thank you for that, but without an afcad it is incomplete
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And in fact, you don't, because it's in the installer of the current version.

Note that, the FSX version is *based* on Harpsi FS9 version, but it's not 100% the same, it reflects mostly the parking assignement of the latest FS9 AFCAD found in the forum.


--- Quote ---And I'm sure Harpsi is well deserving of his hard (and much respected) work on creating better AFCADs for the FSDT sceneries.  I certainly appreciate all he is doing for KLAS right now.  But if I understand it correctly, those are being created using AFX...a payware program.  And AFX DOES have compatability problems when creating AFCADs for "FSX-specific" sceneries.  Many of your customers use ADE...the freeware program...which does not have these problems with FSX-specific AFCADs.  It is very easy to "destroy" an AFX created AFCAD if it is opened in ADE (if the user isn't aware of how this can happen), so that it won't work in FSX anymore.  Which can easily cause more "support" requests when incremental AFCAD updates users download for the FSX scenery versions quit working (if the end-user hosed it using ADE).
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Let me ask some questions because then nobody needs to ask or to comment about that:

1. I only have FS9. I don´t use FSX, which means that my afcad files will work only in FS9. Maybe in some time I will have FSX. I don´t have time to fly for now. I am very busy at the moment with work. Maybe in 6 months or 1 year I will have more time. I am only available to make better afcads for FSDreamteam because itis like a seasonal work. I work now 2 or 3 weeks on the file based on your statements and then I will probably work on one next scenery which is coming maybe in 1 or 2 or 3 months. That´s not too much work for me.

2. I am not part of the team itself. I just work for free and for pleasure. In compensation I have the scenery for free in order to make experiences with the afcad file and to run a healthy discussion on the forum about this topic, having and discussing ideas from everyone. I don´t want to make "My afcad file". I want to have a file based on users´ comments, mainly users who participate in the forum. I don´t know who are all the others, naturally... I only know the ones who participate here in the discussion.

3. I only work with Lee Swordy´s tool. I don´t use AFX. From what I´ve heard there are compatibility issues between both, specially if you want to treat a file with Lee Swordy´s tool which was originally done with AFX.

4. I agree with virtuali: the team sells the scenery and we, users, the most interested ones of course, "play" with the afcad. When it gets stable we will have a big update together with other scenery updates, when and if needed. If the team goes on this way, specially because AI traffic is not used by everybody, we can have more sceneries per year. That´s what everybody want, right? If the team would be able to do 6 sceneries per year, I doin´t know if there would be sad people, team included.  ;D

I hope I was clear. ;)



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