FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

GA Traffic at the gates?

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Tom C:
Cheers Harpsi.


--- Quote from: Tom C on April 19, 2009, 12:31:11 am ---Can I ask why you don't build an AFCAD from scratch using the Lee Sowrdy program for the FS9 version? I'm just being curious here.
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Simply because we do developement work in FSX only, so we prefer to use an FSX-native editor, and then derive the FS9 version by simply compiling the FSX source XML (removing the things FS9 doesn't support) with the FS9 SDK.

That files has helped considerably with the GA problem, thanks harpsi. All the jetways show fine for me though and some are off it looks like.


--- Quote from: AaronMyers on April 19, 2009, 12:40:41 am ---That files has helped considerably with the GA problem, thanks harpsi. All the jetways show fine for me though and some are off it looks like.

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As I said I am in the very early beginning with tweaking the file. I simply posted some little work because I felt some users were unhappy with the original file, and in order to have more users using AI traffic, I just did some work on it. ;)


And it's appreciated.   ;)


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