That is a nonsense.
It obviously isn't.
It is impossible to trial every single aspect of a product and you know it well. This is where updates come into the picture.
No. You are now confusing bugs, which can be really found only when the product is out in the user's hands, with what is in fact a design choice, or a missing feature if you want.
Such a basic aspect to blend into the surroundings in every season, as well as to have winter vegetation in the winter and not summer green foliage is something I'd truly expect from an FSDT product.
As I've said, there's a Trial. Not all our sceneries have multi-seasonal variations in fact.
Also, it was raised a long time ago yet it's still the same.
But since it's not a bug that prevents the usage of the product, it's not very high on the priority list.
Meanwhile it features totally unnecessary animations seen first time ever in any airport add-on, it is lacking one of the very essentials: seasonal textures that blend into the surroundings.
That those animation (which you correctly point out has never been done before) are "totally unnecessary" is YOUR opinion, same as the fact that missing seasonal textures are so important.
But that's not the point.
The point is, nowhere in the product page we advertised multi-seasonal textures (JFK, for example, DOES have them, and they ARE listed in the product specs) so, even if you didn't care to use the Trial, you could have at least read the specifications.
So, KSDF IS performing according to the published specs, so it's only your choice to purchase it or not, if they are not enough for you.