Author Topic: LSZH new ADE file  (Read 3595 times)


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LSZH new ADE file
« on: February 25, 2018, 08:49:29 am »
Hello Umberto

Just saw, the ADE file for LSZH has been updated recently, since the updater asked me, if I want to overwrite my own version. So I hoped there had been some problems adressed but not the ones, I corrected. So I mention these problems here:

Gate F, stands 70, 71, and 72 are too big. No aircraft for this side can manouver into this position on the way from behind. Wings are crashing into blast fences and light poles. So I reduced the size of the parking for all of F to 20 meters and changed the width of the path Y to 45 ft and reversed its direction going now to the west. I also connected the parkings F to taxi path A for easier depart.

Taxi path M the same problem. The aircraft of the size of these parkings can't move between the parkings D and G. So I reduced the path with to 40 ft. I'm still working on a solution how to exit these parkings. D can exit directly to path E.

I added the source file for ADE of the reworked APX_LSZH.bgl for your review. In the sim, I rename it accordingly to your ADE.



P.S. Finished the work for now. New File uploaded Feb. 26. Please update.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 08:57:23 pm by blaunarwal »