I use GSX FSX and also GSX PREPAR3D V3. I use IFLY 737, and also PMDG 737. running with WINDOWS 10.
I5 processor etc....Install FSDT UPDATES.
For my flights i use SIMBRIEF, in the Dispatch Sheet, Simbrief is saying i will need 6500 kilo of fuel. I am parked at a gate. using GSX calling for Fuel truck......the fuel truck arrive. waiting for the message,' You have to use
the airplane fuel '.......
In the FMC i enter the fuel 6500 kilo or 6.5 ....FUEL TRUCK IN POSITION....I choose CUSTOM....6500 in FSX Fuel planner.............NOTHING HAPPEN...........i go to PMDG FS ACTION choose FUEL...enter 6500....o9n the truck gage the guy put 19, and bye, he left.
IFLY 737 SAME THING BUT I ASK FOR 6500 kilo, on the truck gage.....2139
How is calculate the fuel
? 2139
i convert 6500 kilo, in pounds, lbs, tons, gallons.....What is 2139
i ask for 6500 kilo...is the fuel on tthe ruck gage JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT just to show hes putting fuel, or is it suppose to be what we ask
has i see, we cannot use our fuel with GSX....just what GSX want...PREFUEL...one third, two third, full, or 25 %, etc...if i fuel the plane in fmc etc,,,without GSX all is working perfect.
i tried everything possible adjustment in ifly and pmdg.....fsx and prepar3d v3 ....kilo, pounds,,,etcc,,,,,there is nothing to correct this. Re Download GSX, Re install, FSDT UPDATE..........i dont see the issue.
what am i doing wrong
Thank you very much
Lucien Paquette.