Author Topic: GSX.Config modification for Justflights DC-8  (Read 2075 times)


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GSX.Config modification for Justflights DC-8
« on: November 11, 2017, 05:51:48 pm »
Hello FSDT

I have a problem when debording the plane because GSX continues to ask me to open EXIT 4, even it dose not exist (not in the config or in the GSX interface)

I have tried to make it work editing via the "customize aircraft menu in GSX/FSX" but no matter wich combo i use,  GSX still insist me to Open EXIT 4.

i have edited the Config file as follow (last edition) and the key-combo for the plane is shift-2 opening both doors as one.

nosegear = 17.68
refueling = 1
iscargo = 0
trafficcones = 1
wingrootpos = 2.26 -2.84 1.14
wingtippos = 22.59 -9.52 1.14
fuelpos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
waterpos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
lavatorypos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
engine1pos = -13.03 -0.48 -1.01
engine2pos = -7.71 2.90 -1.52
engine3pos = 7.71 2.90 -1.52
engine4pos = 13.03 -0.48 -1.01

pos = -1.83 16.76 -1.07 0.00
code = 1
name = Exit 1

remove = 1

remove = 1

remove = 1

flip = 1
code = 0

pos = 1.62 -14.39 -0.61 -0.00
code = 0

pos = 0.70 8.47 -1.52 0.00
code = 2
name = Exit 2
uldcode = AUTO

pos = 0.70 -6.46 0.00 0.00
code = 4
name = Exit 4
uldcode = AUTO

Any help is much appreciated

Take Care


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Re: GSX.Config modification for Justflights DC-8
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 10:58:37 am »
I have a problem when debording the plane because GSX continues to ask me to open EXIT 4, even it dose not exist (not in the config or in the GSX interface)

Your GSX.CFG clearly shows you DO have an Exit 4 so, GSX is correct asking you to open it:

pos = 0.70 -6.46 0.00 0.00
code = 4
name = Exit 4
uldcode = AUTO

It is correct for that airplane to open the cargo door with the Exit 4 ( Shift+E and then 4 ) key command ? If not, you must change it to the setting which is right for this airplane.