Hello FSDT
I have a problem when debording the plane because GSX continues to ask me to open EXIT 4, even it dose not exist (not in the config or in the GSX interface)
I have tried to make it work editing via the "customize aircraft menu in GSX/FSX" but no matter wich combo i use, GSX still insist me to Open EXIT 4.
i have edited the Config file as follow (last edition) and the key-combo for the plane is shift-2 opening both doors as one.
nosegear = 17.68
refueling = 1
iscargo = 0
trafficcones = 1
wingrootpos = 2.26 -2.84 1.14
wingtippos = 22.59 -9.52 1.14
fuelpos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
waterpos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
lavatorypos = 0.00 0.00 0.00
engine1pos = -13.03 -0.48 -1.01
engine2pos = -7.71 2.90 -1.52
engine3pos = 7.71 2.90 -1.52
engine4pos = 13.03 -0.48 -1.01
pos = -1.83 16.76 -1.07 0.00
code = 1
name = Exit 1
remove = 1
remove = 1
remove = 1
flip = 1
code = 0
pos = 1.62 -14.39 -0.61 -0.00
code = 0
pos = 0.70 8.47 -1.52 0.00
code = 2
name = Exit 2
uldcode = AUTO
pos = 0.70 -6.46 0.00 0.00
code = 4
name = Exit 4
uldcode = AUTO
Any help is much appreciated
Take Care