Author Topic: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library  (Read 5390 times)


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KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« on: November 10, 2017, 11:10:41 pm »
Man, I'll throw a party the day I install an FSDreamteam scenery that actually works on first try.

Installed KLAX in P3d V4 and it's not loading but instead giving the Scenery Active but not installed in scenery library.

I ran the updater, uninstalled the scenery and reinstalled  (antivirus off), redownloaded and reinstalled, uninstalled addon manager, reinstalled addon manager then scenery, to no avail.

Am I missing any obvious step to solve this? Those steps were able to solve it with Memphis and Houston but not this time.

Cheers and thanks,


Tried installing other fsdt sceneries - dallas, vancouver, o'hare, jfk, klas. Same problem - active but not installed in scenery library EXCEPT klas. klas wasn't active on this PC and it WAS installed in trial mode. I registered it. No buildings are showing, only a double ground photo - one bellow ground level and another above, with mesh issues. Tried Orbx vector utility to disable airport elevation correction. No change.

After installing these sceneries I  ran the live updater. No change. Removed the bglmanx_fsdt.dll file and reran the live updater. No change.

All the while, KMEM and KIAH are working ok.

I'm out of ideas.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 02:26:55 am by kihew »


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2017, 02:44:03 pm »
Man, I'll throw a party the day I install an FSDreamteam scenery that actually works on first try.

They always work on the first try. When they don't, it's ALWAYS a problem caused by something else. Usually flight sim files corrupted by other addons or conflicts caused by other addons.

There's no difference whatsoever in how the different sceneries are installed. The installer it's exactly the same, the installation method is exactly the same, and they all use the add-on.xml method, which is the way a P3D scenery is supposed to be installed natively.

No buildings are showing, only a double ground photo - one bellow ground level and another above, with mesh issues. Tried Orbx vector utility to disable airport elevation correction.

You are having two problems at the same time here. The "no buildings" issue it's caused because the scenery is not found in the Scenery Library, everything else it's caused by OrbX.

It's NOT enough to run just the AEC tool (which I'm not even sure it has been updated to recognize sceneries installed with the add-on.xml method), you must also install the OrbX fix found on the OrbX forum, which solves the issue they caused at KLAS.

All the while, KMEM and KIAH are working ok.

If those two are working, you should just forget *everything* about antivirus, software, modules, etc. If they work, it's clear that all FSDT software is installed correctly.

If the Addon Manager says that some sceneries cannot be found in the scenery library, the most common reason for this is the simplest one: when trying to fix something that wasn't a problem of our installers to begin with, maybe you uninstalled, reinstalled the Addon Manager, and forgot to reinstall the SCENERY.

If you uninstalled (not needed, of course) the scenery, be sure you also reinstalled it.

After the installation, you are supposed to see the scenery listed as an Addon in the "Options->ADDON" menu (which is NOT the "Addons" menu), and in the Scenery Library GRAYED OUT. This is normal, and indicates that scenery has been installed from an add-on.xml, not in the scenery.cfg.

Another common reason why you don't see the scenery, is if you tried to "fix" the problem by adding the scenery to the Scenery Library manually. This should NOT be done, because doing this, you caused a conflict of the scenery conflicting with itself, which will result in no scenery showing up. If you added the scenery manually, remove it, and restart the sim.

The scenery should be listed only ONCE, and MUST be GRAYED out in the Scenery Library.


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2017, 09:17:50 pm »
Hi Umberto, I am not forgetting to reinstall the scenery after installing the manager - to me it feels like it's the INSTALLER which is forgetting to install the scenery :)

After not being able to install KLAX I tried O'hare, Dallas, Vancouver and JFK and NONE of them was installed in the scenery library ("Scenery ACTIVE but not installed in the scenery library") All of these sceneries were already activated (from previous FSX installs). NONE is working. This is very frustrating.

KMEM and KIAH are working now but this issue also happened with them. But I was able to solve it after a few uninstalls and reinstalls. Not this time.

Because the only scenery I Was able to install was KLAS - which wasn't activated yet - (thanks for pointing me to the ORBX compatibility file) I am going to experiment removing the sceneries not working, deactivating their licence and see if I can install them in trial mode and then activate them.

If I created the addon.xml file manually - would it work?

« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 09:21:13 pm by kihew »


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2017, 10:09:47 pm »
Guess what, Umberto - uninstaling KLAX, deactivating the scenery licence, rebooting and installing KLAX again worked. The scenery was finally inserted in the scenery library. I had uninstalled it and reinstalled it multiple times to no avail - it wasn't being inserted in the scenery libraty. By deactivating it, it was inserted.

If this makes sense to you..

I am going to try again with Vancouver scenery to confirm it works the same.


I can now confirm I was able to install all scenneries in trial mode. After activating their respective license keys they all seem to be working!

I will experiment uninstalling one of them and then try to do a reinstall without deactivating the license key to see if it fails again.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 01:28:16 am by kihew »


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2017, 10:46:18 am »
Guess what, Umberto - uninstaling KLAX, deactivating the scenery licence, rebooting and installing KLAX again worked. The scenery was finally inserted in the scenery library. I had uninstalled it and reinstalled it multiple times to no avail - it wasn't being inserted in the scenery libraty. By deactivating it, it was inserted.

I'm sorry but, if with "Deactivating", you mean the Deactivate feature of the Addon Manager, then this simply cannot happen.

The license activation has no relationship whatsoever with the installation of the scenery in the Scenery Library, this is a sure fact, and they cannot be related. If they were, we couldn't have a Trial version working to begin with.

So no, that wasn't what really happened. You though it has something to do with the activation, so you tried deactivating, and assumed it was related to it, but that was just a coincidence.

What really happened, instead, is that uninstalling/reinstalling the scenery again, might have fixed something in your scenery.cfg files which were corrupted for other reasons (unrelated to FSDT), which allowed to work the 2nd time. Fact that this happens after a Deactivation was just a coincidence.


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2017, 03:48:28 pm »
Ok Umberto, I'll take your word because you know infinitely more than I do about this :). And this solution doesn't explain my issues with first time installs before activation (like Memphis and Houston).

After posting this thread I had a similar problem with Flightbeam's KIAD and the solution was the same. If I tried deactivating the scenery in the addon manager and then uninstalling the scenery and then reinstalling immediately, it wasn't added to the scenery library. If I uninstalled it, then deactivated it in P3D, and then reinstalled, it was inserted in the scenery library.

So it must have been something else I did.

Here's the steps I followed when I had the same issue with Flightbeam's KIAD. Perhaps it may be useful for you to spot some other variable in play here.

Like... I've just realized that in order to deactivate the scenery I had to start P3D after uninstalling and before reinstalling. Perhaps that's what solved my issue? Before I was reinstalling immediately after uninstalling, without running P3D in between!

(all steps with antivirus off and using administrator rights)

1. activated the scenery (using the reinstall button in addon manager) (useless step?)
2. exited P3D
3. uninstalled the scenery without uninstalling the addon manager.
5. Deactivated the scenery in Addon manager. (useless step?)
6. Exited P3D and rebooted.
7. ran the KIAD installer
8. ran the addon manager live updater.
9. Ran P3d - good sign, scenery library updated!
10. WORKING! (in trial mode)
11. activated the scenery.
12. Happy user.


« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 04:30:00 pm by kihew »


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2017, 05:41:02 pm »
The list of active sceneries is read only at start by the Addon Manager, for the obvious reason of not having to rescan the whole library each time you activate/reactivate a scenery in the scenery library.

This means, any changes to the scenery library for sceneries handled by the Addon Manager, will always require a restart.

This, as I've said, is totally unrelated to the activation status, with "activation" meaning the Addon Manager license activation. Just be sure you don't confuse the different terms:

- Activation/Deactivation in the Addon Manager, related to the license. Totally unrelated by the scenery library or the installation of the scenery.

- Activation/Deactivation in the P3D Options->Addon menu. Totally unrelated to the license, and used to temporary disable a scenery that was installed using the add-on.xml. Related ONLY to the INSTALLATION status of the scenery, NOT the license.


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Re: KLAX scenery is active but not installed in scenery library
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2017, 11:24:17 pm »
We're in agreement. To avoid confusion I've tried to use "activation/deactivation" for the license only, "install/uninstall" for using the scenery installer only and "insertion" to refer to the installer being able to "include" the scenery into the scenery library. This can easily become rather confusing.

Cheers Umberto,
