Author Topic: Couatl Constant Restarting  (Read 8600 times)


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2017, 06:55:06 pm »
The installer doesn't have any problems and is not ***up anything. I had a look at error reports that have been posted here and, the ONLY possible cause they could ever happen, is if you have some outdated files.

Normally, is not possible to get outdated files, because BOTH the installer AND the Live Update downloads and install all the latest files.

The only possible reason I can think of why someone is not getting the latest files, is that either a firewall or an antivirus is PREVENTING the Live Update or the installer to do its job. Maybe it has decided that something that "downloads something" must be dangerous. I must say that, on my system, Chrome is now flagging *everything* which is not made by large companies as suspicious. So, I just ignore it.

So, again, you simply cannot have these kind of errors, if all files are updated and, you cannot end up with outdated files, if you run the FSDT Live Update or ANY of the FSDT installer, regardless the order you installed them.

Assuming, of course, you are running reasonably recent versions of them, basically anything we released after June 2017, when we switched to the new Live Update method. If you install something older, then yes, everything can happen, and you will usually have to uninstall and reinstall with the latest versions to fix this.

But, if all the installers you are using are those made after June 2017, then it's impossible you would end up with outdated files, since they ALL launch the SAME Live Updater, which has *also* being downloaded so, not only they launch the Live Update, they also "update the updater" so, really, if there's nothing that interfere with the process, you simply cannot get outdated files.

Fact that everything is fixed if you uninstall, remove all folders and reinstall, clearly indicates there's some kind of interference by an external program (firewall or antivirus or similar), which is allowing YOU to do things like removing the old files, but is preventing the Live Update to DO THE SAME.


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2017, 11:51:08 pm »
Hi Umberto,

I sincerely apologize if this thread seems like an "attack" on couatl or something like this to you, it is not meant like this!
On my system the only thing that was working was literally - even after reinstalling all FSDT products - to uninstall GSX, delete couatl and reinstall the latest version. I've tried the live update method as well as only installing the latest GSX over top of all sceneries with permanently having all anti virus and windows defender systems turned to off manually.

I can only report back what I see happening on my system. GSX worked fine after uninstalling all FSDT add-ons and deleting all folders in ProgramFiles(x86), AppData and ProgramData, then installing only GSX. It started crashing once I installed other products (all with latest installers), so I tried uninstalling Addon Manager and installing the latest version with all FSDT products in place - which did not work. The next instance was couatl, so I just deleted the entire couatl folder and reinstalled GSX to keep it simple and it worked ever since...

That's what I can report back after self-testing back and forward and seeing 1-2 people having the same issue resolved by doing the same steps. I suspect couatl to not be overwriting old files correctly based on what I did to get my GSX working, so you might want to look into this. I've found my solution for my system, so I'd like to share that with you for eventual troubleshooting or necessary programming (or whatever might go into fixing this issue).
Please let me know if you need more information for a possible fix, I will be happy to help!
Johannes Butz


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2017, 07:19:08 am »
I suspect couatl to not be overwriting old files correctly based on what I did to get my GSX working, so you might want to look into this.

I'm SURE the issue is outdated files, because the error reported in the log simply cannot happen and the update file related to that part of the code, has been online since July.

We tried to understand how this is possible, and came out with the following possible reasons:

1) Your local Cloudflare node not updated with the last files we posted. This seems to be very unlikely in this case, since the error discussed here (I'm referring to the files posted in the first thread) simply cannot happen with any set of files released after July.


2) An external software is interfering with the Live Updater or the installer. This seems to be the most likely cause. Maybe the antivirus/firewall is assuming the Live Update or any of our installers might be dangerous or some sort of spyware, just because they download something which, with some excessively prudent heuristic, might be flagged as a suspicious behavior.


3) An OLD version of our installers (one which was made before June 2017) has been used after a new one, with the root of the sim being the installation target for both, which WILL create a mess of old/new files and surely all sort of problems.

Since the old version only installed INTO the root of sim, and the new version lets you choose any folder freely, it's surely possible to cause this mix up, if the first installation with the new installer was made the root of the sim (which is not the default anymore, and it's not really a good idea now), if the a subsequent installation is made using an old installer (which would go into the root of the sim automatically), this would create a mixup of old/new files, especially considering the old installer would also download, but from a different update server, which we don't maintain anymore, but keep up with the latest set of old files, in order not to break installations entirely made using outdated installers.


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2017, 08:40:56 am »
I have a similar problem, but only on final approach after selecting a gate position

Please post your error log.

Is it necessary that I should have the Addon Manager in the "....(x86)" folder?

The Addon Manager will work from any folder, which is why the installer is offering you a choice. It it was required to be installed in a specific folder and won't work otherwise, we wouldn't allowed the destination folder to be freely chosen.


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2017, 03:49:48 pm »
I am also facing this problem and it seems the only solution is to install GSX last as Johannes suggested.

If I install any FSDT scenery AFTER GSX then Couatl always crashes when I select any GSX service.

If I install GSX last, after every FSDT scenery, everything works fine.


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2017, 06:13:08 pm »
The latest Live Update should have fixed this, so the order of installation doesn't matter anymore.


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Re: Couatl Constant Restarting
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2017, 06:14:28 pm »
Yes running the live updater fixed mine. So does that mean it was not an issue with firewall or protection because I had none of that turned on when doing it before and also was running as admin. Was the tool actually not working as it should?