It's not possible that installing KCLT would work, and installing KMEM wouldn't, since both installers installs exactly the same files and, on top of that, both files starts the FSDT Live Update so, even if there was some difference, like an outdated/corrupted file in the KMEM installer, the FSDT Live Update which is ran at the end of BOTH installers, would download and install exactly the same files, which is why is not possible that KCLT works and KMEM would crash the the sim.
However, if you have an AI airplane that, because of the schedule, appears only at KMEM, and that one has missing/corrupted textures, you will have a crash at KMEM without KMEM having anything to do with it, and the crash will be "fixed" by uninstalling KMEM, because the default airport would call for different AIs, since it doesn't have airline parking codes so, a possibly corrupted AI won't show up with KMEM uninstalled.
This is just an example, which is very real, of why you can be easily mislead KMEM is the problem ( "it crash when I install it, it doesn't when I remove it", seems logicall... ), when in fact it's not.
As I've said in my last post, please use the Windows Event Viewer, in the Windows Application log, you should find an error report, which will tell you what really crashed.
Then I installed again KMEM and... all works.

Now it's working ?