whether I would like to see log details. I click no and it asks me if I want to restart Couatl
You should have replied YES, of course, which will open Notepad with the error log details, which are required for us to see what's happening.
If you haven't done that, or the log doesn't show up (maybe your notepad is not installed correctly, or configured another editor to see text files and for some reason it doesn't start ), you can check the most recent error log at this location:
I could REALLY appreciate some help otherwise I've wasted about £30-£40 on a useless piece of software.
You could have spared this comment.
It's not possible spend any money by mistake on a software that "doesn't work", which is offered in TRIAL VERSION. The whole point of having a Trial version to begin with, is that you are supposed to install, test it and then purchasing it. This, just to clarify any possible mistaken assumption that we tried to sell you something that doesn't work or it's "useless". If the software really didn't work, we wouldn't probably had a Trial version to begin with...
GSX obviously works. Why is not currently working on YOUR system, we'll surely find out.
Which is why, the program has a feature to let you see the error details, so you can contact support with those info, and we can find what's wrong on your system, which is preventing GSX to work.
Awaiting your error log report.