Author Topic: FSXBA F/A-18C HORNET  (Read 379916 times)


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« Reply #435 on: February 09, 2020, 02:16:28 am »
Pat, thanks for your answer.
My english is bad, so i will be short

1. "mixing the two versions "... no, not mixing, first install 18.3 and keyboard commands not work ( elevator, ailerons/spoilers, rudder)
 then unninstal 18.3 and install 18.4 executable, again dont have commands in air. On ground all commands work .
For elevator up i use number 2 on numeric pad on laptop, 8 for elevator up, 4 for ailerons left and 6 for ailerons right, so not use mouse funkction.

2. "autopilot during take-off and climbout", i try take-off and climb manual from carrier Nimitz, flaps down, stick backward ( in this moment elevators work no problem) then,full throttle for takeoff , catapult, in air,and from this moment  commands not work, pilot's stick not responding and stuck in neutral position, can not anything with elevator and other steering command...
Also i tried in registered FSUIPC latest version assigment for commands but not work again.

3. My default flight is cold and dark default C172 in my fictional small airport.

I dont know , maybe is this F18 have fly by wire system, like Aerosoft Airbus for example, and steering command not work without joystick and that's why I asked.

Again, thanks for your intersted for my problem and sorry for your time, cheers.


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« Reply #436 on: February 09, 2020, 09:11:38 pm »
3. My default flight is cold and dark default C172 in my fictional small airport.
In my humble opinion, there's your problem, right there.

Try restoring the default default flight. I'm not trying to confuse you. What I mean is to restore the sim's original default flight. Easy way to do this, I personally find it the easiest way, is to ensure FSX is closed, and then open the FSX.CFG file with the NotePad program that comes included with Windows.
Also, always start NotePad as Administrator. Find the executable for NotePad, usually in the Windows folder, and right click on it. When the menu opens, select Run As Administrator from the choices.

Then, go to C:\Users\<Your User Name Here>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX and locate the FSX.CFG file. Make sure you are able see hidden files and folder. I will tell you how to do this if you don't already know.

Once you have the FSX.CFG file opened in NotePad, scan down until you find the title [USERINTERFACE]. Under that heading is a line that reads Situation=  . What follows the equals sign ( = ) doesn't matter. Erase everything following the equals sign on that line.

Once you have done that, save the file off, and start the sim. When you get into the Free Flight menu page, it should have he Trike as the aircraft, and Friday Harbour as the location. NOW you can load the flight you want, but I strongly suggest if you want to start the Hornet in cold-n-dark configuration, set up the Hornet that way.
Shut the engines down by hitting CTRL+SHFT+F1. Once the engines are spooled down all the way, IE, RPMs are 0 on both engines, make sure you hit CTRL+SHFT+F4 to turn the fuel valve back on before saving the flight off. Also, it's a very good idea to leave the Battery switch off so you don't drain the battery before you can start up the APU.

Follow the checklists to start the plane up. Make sure you hit the FCS reset, located on the left hand panels, just behind the throttle quadrant, once the plane is completely started up, with the generators on line.
Also make sure you press the take-off trim button top of the rudder trim knob, again, on the left hand panel, farther behind the throttles than the FCS reset button. Do this just before you start the take off roll, after you have wiped the controls. Remember that the plane is a "hands off" system during a launch, especially from the carrier. Once the plane has rotated to the correct pitch after leaving the catapult, about +10° above the horizon, then you take control of the aircraft.

Even with all this, I can not promise that the plane will respond properly to keyboard only command inputs. Just go out and get a decent quality joystick that's within your budget.

I realize this a lot to translate easily, but just take what I've written a little at a time, and make sure you understand it before going on. Any questions you have please feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer them.

Hope all this helps a little bit...


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« Reply #437 on: February 10, 2020, 12:00:20 am »
Pat, you are man, thanks .
My problem is joystick, BUT,right now i got Logitech 3D pro and command work normally and my
landings on carrier is much better with joystick :)

Only one more problem...

Sometime on startup i got warning APU ACC and not have HUD.
APU switch is in ON position, but where is HUD switches ON/OFF.  Button with name Bright under scratchpad ? 

My startup procedure is:

2. Battery ON
3. Start engine left
4. Left generator ON
5. Start engine right
6. Right generator ON

I search over interner for any video tutorial but not found it...

Kind regards !


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« Reply #438 on: February 10, 2020, 08:45:00 pm »
Hi! Glad it's getting better :)

One thing, though...It should be battery ON, Then APU ON. Watch the APU stats on the Engine Monitor page on one of the MFDs. Once it's fired all the way up, ie: 100% RPM, then start switch to Right. Once the engine fires on and climbs to idle, about 68%, right Generator ON. Same for Left, once the Start switch centers it's self. Wait for the switch to center automatically, then go ahead and start left.
The reason to start right first is that it powers the Brakes Hydraulic system, so the plane has brakes if you need them.

Now, as to why no HUD...
It should come on automatically once you turn on the Battery. At the latest, once the Right Generator is on and operational. Absolutely, it should be on when both Generators are on-line.
If not, check the switches below the UFC. One is labeled BRT. Make sure it's all the way on. Another is DAY-NITE-AUTO. It should be in AUTO.
Right under the actual HUD combiner glass, is a switch labeled MAN-OFF-Auto. It should be in AUTO.

If none of this works, try loading the F/A-18C from the Free Flight page. Once the sim boots up completely, with the default flight of the trike at Friday Harbour, select the airport you want, and select the Hornet from the Aircraft Select page. Then select Fly Now. The Hornet should load up in the world on the end of the runway, all systems on, both engines running. The HUD should be ON when everything loads in.
Let me know is any of this works. If it does, we can see if we can find why the HUD's off when you manually start the plane from the cold-n-dark configuration.

Once again, it's important to start the Sim with the original default flight. The trike etc.
If you're determined to use the cold-n-dark C172 as your default, ensure that when you save it off, the Avionics switch is ON, not off. Once you do that, restart the sim, and see if the HUD is on as I described, when you load the Hornet in.
Let me know if you get any error messages. Usually the error shows up as a red or green banner across the top of the screen when the plane loads into the world.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 08:50:48 pm by PhantomTweak »


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« Reply #439 on: February 11, 2020, 03:52:10 am »
Huh...i am so tired with this plane :(

Yes, now is default flight trike on Friday harbour, change to F-18 and he's ready, all systems on, both engines running, HUD working, but, i can't enter Tacan code and ILS frequency in skratchpad...
When enter numbers and click enter  i have error in skratchpad.

Also, i have APU ACC warning...

FSX Acceleration, FA-18C_FSXBA_BA_18.4.131 installed with exe file...

I no longer have an idea what to do..


Changed default flight to default C172 cold and dark and now skratchpad work ok except i can only enter ils frequency format eg 110.900 for both Tacan and ILS , format eg 45X ( of course without enter X only 45 numbers ) not work in Tacan mod...anyway, both navigation mode work when flying.
APU ACC warning still here.

My FSX folder is on C partition, not in default program files, antivirus exclusions is set for all FSX things, FSX run as administrator and every addon install as administrator...
I am very active simmer last 6-7 years, so not newbi, i fly some complex aircraft like PMDG 747, 777, 737, A2A Connie, Stratocruiser, Aerosoft etc etc all with cold and dark startup on gate/ramp, but this plane make me crazy :)

One more question, this plane have or dont have autothrottle option?

Best regards.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 05:41:07 am by doksas »


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« Reply #440 on: February 11, 2020, 08:39:17 pm »
Hello. Of course it has an autopilot option. And much more!! Did you not see this?,20.0.html
Cooler Master Tower.


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« Reply #441 on: February 11, 2020, 09:45:06 pm »
Yes, it does have the Autothrottle option. It also varies depending on whether you are in Up and Away (UA) or Power Approach mode. The key command is SHFT+R. In UA mode, it holds the airspeed at what it was when the ATC was activated. In PA mode, it holds the plane at the correct AOA, or 8.1°. There are no cockpit switches for it. You must use the key combo.
There are a variety of actions that will deactivate it, too. Throttles above 90% or below 60%, any throttle movement by the pilot, etc. If it disengages, just cease whatever action caused it, and re-engage it.

When you load the Hornet into the world from the default, default flight, you must turn the UFC ON to enter any numbers on the keypad. Select whatever you want, like TACAN, for example, and then press the ON/OFF switch. It's the far right end of the bottom key set on the UFC. At the very bottom of the UFC. You must turn on whatever you desire to enter individually. IE: Select TCN,  and turn it on, them select the ILS, and turn IT on.

When you load the plane from the cold-n-dark C172, it messes up the UFC and radios. If you want to do that, try making sure the radio switches are all turned to the ON position before saving it off. Make sure the Avionics switch is left ON too. I can't swear that all this will work anyway, as the C172 radios can't handle tacan inputs, so when it's used as a default it sets the Hornet's radios up the same way. Can't take the TCN style inputs.

I am not certain about that APU ACC error lite. I've seen other people with that problem, but I can't remember what, if anything, they did to fix it, if they did fix it at all.

Just curious, you did make sure you installed all three of the Simconnect files when  you installed the sim, yes? You can find them in ...\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces . There are three one in each of the folders. Install them oldest to newest order. They are automatic, just make sure you use Run As Administrator when you run the MSI file, and it will install to the correct location.

I hope something in alll this helps somehow...


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« Reply #442 on: February 12, 2020, 10:02:35 pm »
Ok, i reinstall complete FSX and all addons, default trike in air over Friday harbour and now is ok with HUD and UFC, only APU ACC still here.

Pat, how to start with cold and dark in this plane, what proccedure you recommend?

Kind regards.


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« Reply #443 on: February 13, 2020, 06:18:21 pm »
I am blind for cold and dark :)

NOW you can load the flight you want, but I strongly suggest if you want to start the Hornet in cold-n-dark configuration, set up the Hornet that way.
Shut the engines down by hitting CTRL+SHFT+F1. Once the engines are spooled down all the way, IE, RPMs are 0 on both engines, make sure you hit CTRL+SHFT+F4 to turn the fuel valve back on before saving the flight off. Also, it's a very good idea to leave the Battery switch off so you don't drain the battery before you can start up the APU.


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« Reply #444 on: February 13, 2020, 08:29:30 pm »
Ok, i reinstall complete FSX and all addons, default trike in air over Friday harbour and now is ok with HUD and UFC, only APU ACC still here.

Pat, how to start with cold and dark in this plane, what proccedure you recommend?

Kind regards.

Easiest way would be to set up the Hornet in a cold-n-dark configuration.
Load it like normal, on the end of the runway, engines running from the Free Flight page. Once again, leave the default flight the trike over Friday Harbour.
Either slew or taxi to where you want the plane to be when it loads in, and shut it down. Easiest way is to set the Parking Brake, then hit CTRL+SHFT+F1. After the engine's RPMs indicate 0 on the Engine Monitor page of an MFD, turn the battery OFF. The two generators will turn off by themselves as the engines spool down below about 62%, but you have to turn the battery off manually.
Once it's all done, hit CTRL+SHFT+F4 to ensure the Fuel Valves are back on so you can start the plane normally.
Once all this is done, save the flight off. Do NOT make it the default! Give it an easy name to remember, like Hornet1 or whatever.

Next time you want to fly the Hornet from the cold-n-dark set-up, load the sim normally. It should load with the trike over Friday Harbour. Once it does, go to the Free Flight menu, select the flight you saved off before. Hornet1, for example. The Hornet, parked, in the cold-n-dark configuration. Remember, the batteries in the sim don't last long, so as soon as you turn the battery switch ON, start the APU right away. Once it's running at 100%, set the Start Switch to Right. Watch the Engine Monitor page on an MFD, and once the right engine reaches 65%, roughly, the Start Switch should recenter it's self. Turn the Right Generator ON. Same procedure for the left engine. Once you get both engines running and stable, hit the FCS Reset button. The APU will shut off automatically.

Set up a flight plan, if you want, and taxi out to the runway. Wipe the controls, press the Take-Off Trim button on top of the Rudder Trim Knob. Advance the throttles to 100%, and start the take-off roll. Don't use afterburners unless the plane is heavy enough to warrant them.

Please note, you can not start on a boat in cold-n-dark, if you load the boat in with AICarriers. In other words, if you save the plane on the carrier deck, when you load the saved off flight the next time, there won't be a boat there. You'll take a bath in sea water. Very uncomfortable!

The best thing to do in that case is to load the plane as above, then slew out over the ocean before you start the plane. Set a boat with AICarriers, and slew out to the boat. Set the plane down on the boat in the parking spot you desire, and take it out of slew mode. Set the boat in motion, start the plane normally, and away you go.

Alternatively, you can save the cold-n-dark plane on the boat's deck, but before you save it off, place it in SLEW mode. Once you do that, the next time you load the plane in, it will be above the ocean where the boat was, and in slew mode, when you saved it. Load the boat you want with AICarriers, and set the plane down on the deck. Remember to slew the plane up above the deck a ways, say 50-100', then set it down on the deck. This makes sure the gear is ON the deck, not IN the deck. Take the plane OUT of slew mode, and then set the boat in motion, and start the plane up, and go flying.

Remember, that if you slew out to a boat already in motion, you will have to keep the plane right above the boat, moving, as you set it on the deck. It really adds to the difficulty of placing the plane in the right place aboard the boat. Easiest to set the plane where you want it on the deck on a motionless boat, take it out of slew mode, then set the boat in motion.

Ok,I've rambled on long enough. Does this help at all?


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« Reply #445 on: February 14, 2020, 01:03:17 am »
Pat you are great and thanks for all your answeres and your time.

Mayday mayday, sometimes I think i use the wrong plane :) ,some of the things you mention to me do not exist. :(

So, i use (after comlete FSX reinstall) plane in this thread from first page : FA-18C_FSXBA_BA_18.3.00 for FSX of course becaouse i find this version have better fps on my configuration, and put this folder in FSX-SimObjects-Airplanes.

You say:"Watch the APU stats on the Engine Monitor page on one of the MFDs'' ... but i dont have this options for APU on the MFD engine page.

Today before your sugestion for cold and dark F18, i try same thngs like you recommend...default trike over Friday harbour is set as default flights, then saved F18 ( not set as default flight) with engine off and all oFF, but when load this flight next time F18 is runing engines and all except APU.

Next you say :'' The two generators will turn off by themselves as the engines spool down below about 62%''...
No, on my plane generators stay ON forever when shutdown engines manualy and  even with keyboard command CTRL+SHFT+F1.

Bright (BRT) knob under UFC not work for me, forever stayed in left position, i try with mouse left and right click, mouse wheel, but not work.

That is why I have the impression that we are talking about two different planes...

For carriers takeoff i use rcbco-30 and CV66, CV68 and CV69 on my own customized location around the world, Aicarriers i use only for landing , so not problem with cold and dark start on my carrier .

Kind regards.


Just example for engine info on MDF

Default FSX F-18 have APU info

and FSXBA F-18  dont have APU info


For generators turn off by themselves as the engines spool down below about 62%, ok not turn off visual but have warning gen off, this is ok.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 02:52:05 am by doksas »


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« Reply #446 on: February 14, 2020, 10:02:48 pm »
You're right. I must be thinking of an older model. Maybe. Let me do some research.
I have some real life stuff to take care of. Let me have a couple of days. I'll have to re-install the v18.3. I'll need some time, ok?

I will get back to this as fast as I can, but like I said, I have some stuff I need to take care of at home.

I'll get back to you as fast as I can. In the mean time, just fly the v18.3 as best you can. It really is a great plane...


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« Reply #447 on: February 15, 2020, 02:12:42 am »
No problem Pat, just go easy, real life is on first place, cheers.


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« Reply #448 on: March 06, 2020, 10:14:25 am »

I deeply love this plane but there seems to be something awfully wrong with my installation.
(FA-18C_FSXBA_BA_18.4.65, latest P3D 4.5, latest FSUIPC, latest EZDOK)

When the mouse hovers over some buttons then indications show up which do not fit to this button. E.g. CRS button shows Oil temperature. Or clicking on the MAP button on the lower MFD then the cage/uncage button of the ADI moves. (Screenshots attached)

I guess this is related to serious problems with the autopilot.
E.g. deactivating BALT the plane pitches up 50° and more and is completely out of trim.
Another example AP is in BALT & HSEL and I clk CSEL on the MFD in HSI mode the plane goes crazy, pitches up vertically in the sky.

What did I miss or have done wrong?


« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 10:35:20 am by jj737 »


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« Reply #449 on: March 27, 2020, 10:41:47 am »

The VMFA-323 Death Rattlers link is dead
