Author Topic: FSXBA F/A-18C HORNET  (Read 380482 times)


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« Reply #420 on: October 03, 2019, 09:26:39 pm »
Hi, Butch!

The versions marked for FSX are also for the P3D versions below v4.0. If it works in FSX, it should work as well in your P3D v3.4.
Just click the FSX download link provided, and install according to the directions included.

Note: Make sure you have a copy of F18.dll installed in your P3D\Gauges folder. I can't swear to it (just AT it  ;D ), but I don't believe P3D comes with a copy of the file. Look at the link Azframer provided in the post above yours to find the F18.dll file you can download and install.
Alternatively (big word for the day  :D ), if you have a copy of FSX, either the boxed version or FSX:SE, you can just copy the F18.dll file over from that. If you have the discs, but it's not installed, you can copy the zipped up file off the disc to use. You just need a good zipfile extractor, like 7Zip, to look on the discs, and extract the file onto your HD.

Finally, you need a copy of both the latest FSUIPC for your simulator version,  and a copy of the .NET Framework v3.5, I think it was, although I may be wrong on the version number, installed and operating on your HD. You can download it off the net from Microsoft. You can look in the Control Panel, Programs and Feature function to see if you have operational on you HD. If not, you'll have to DL and install it.
Beware that during installation of the .Net Framework, it can SEEM to freeze, or stop working. IT'S NOT STOPPED. Just let it run. Go get some coffee, or take a walk. It can take 15-20 minutes to completely install.

Hope this is a little help...


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« Reply #421 on: October 09, 2019, 11:00:10 pm »
Hello all, question... How do i enable chaff/flares, just cant remember what keys to dependence countermeasures. Thanks guys....


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« Reply #422 on: October 10, 2019, 09:42:12 pm »
As I recall the Chaff key is the "C" key, and flares are the "F" key.

I am not certain if you need TacPack to use the chaff/flare systems. I do know you need to have the RWR active. I believe, again, I may be wrong, that the system is on by default, but if it's not I think the R key will activate/deactivate it. Or clicking on the RWR screen, lower right area of the main instrument panel, should turn it on/off.

Does this help?


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« Reply #423 on: October 26, 2019, 07:43:41 pm »

First of all I want to thank you to everybody involved in the FSXBA Hornet! The model, system simulation and textures are all stunning!
I’m having a few problems with getting it to work properly in P3D V3.4, I would appreciate it very much if it is possible to share some advice!

Short system intro:
•   FA-18C_FSXBA_BA_18.4.65 (also tested the other versions, but no change)
•   Netframework 4.8
•   Tacpack
•   FSX gauge set is installed

It load with the following message:
“Config file not found:
Using default:
…..\Prepar3D c3\Gauges\dsd_fsx_xml_sound.ini”

When I push “Ok” the aircraft load. Tacpack loadout menu is not working (I have pushed the “gun only” as instructed). Only centerline tank is loaded and pylon station 2 and 8 shows when pushing “gun only. It is not possible to get the “V” to stick in the menu for any other stores.

When flying the rudders moves suddenly to left right extreme angel. Aircraft is yawing back and forth making flying in any serious way impossible. The rudders moves visually when looking at the model from outside.

Any help would be most welcome! Thanks!

Best regards


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« Reply #424 on: October 26, 2019, 09:01:55 pm »
Ok, here we go!

Do you have the Simconnect files from the SDK installed? 3 come included with FSX, in what little SDK it has. At least the SE version. I had to wind up using the P3D SDK, v 1.4.4747, available on the FSDveloper forum pages.
I thought, and that gets me in trouble every time, that the .NET Framework you need is 4.6.2 but I may well be wrong. It must also be the 32 bit version, not the 64 bit one. The AutoInstall file will install the correct one if you let it.
Did you mean you have the FSX files in the Panel.Tactical folder? NOT the files from the folder labeled "P3D specific files".
Did you calibrate your controls, joystick, yoke, whatever you use, before each flight? Do you have the Sensitivities full right, and the Null Zones full left? Except maybe the rudder Null Zone? That can be slightly up off the full left mark, to account for human errors in use of the rudder. Like MAYBE 10 units, at most. Really, though, the rudder isn't needed for most maneuvers, as the GCS will handle it for you. Also, the design of the airframe ensures that the rudder isn't needed for most flight operations. It's called a "feet on the floor" aircraft. Obviously a pilot wouldn't fly with his feet on the cockpit floor, but you get the idea.
Is your "default flight" the sim's default, "default flight". Not a saved default, the default one?
Do you use the FSUIPC controller configs, not the default ones? If so, set them all to their default settings, for now. You can put them back if that's not part of the trouble.

I'm just throwing out everything I can to see if anything might stick, if you see what I mean. I hope something helps :D
Let us know :)


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« Reply #425 on: October 28, 2019, 09:50:08 pm »
Thank you so much for the help! It turned out that using the default flight cleared out any problems with the exception of the tacpack weapon loadout. At least I got the Hornet flying!
That advice have helped me in the past as well. Kind of stupid to forget it...

Thanks again! Off to Baden Sollingen and some CF flying :-)


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« Reply #426 on: October 29, 2019, 07:58:22 pm »
Glad I could help :)
Glad it's going well now, too.

As to the load-outs: All I can suggest is to ensure that, once the plane is fully loaded into the world, so to speak, call up the loadout manager, select guns only, then select the one you want. Not all may be available without TacPack. All I can suggest is trying the one you want, and look on the external view to see if it shows up. You won't be able to USE any of them without TP, obviously, but you may be able to SEE them. I am not certain if the weight and drag are adjusted properly for a loadout without TP running, either. All I can suggest is, once again, try it and see. Try a loadout, and see if the plane's gross weight changes as you do. It's on the FP page of any of the three MPDs. Also on the fuel&engine display, lower left area. Beside the nozzle percentage display. Where you can set the Bingo fuel. I believe it's also on the Checklist page.
You can look and see though. Good way to explore the displays on the MPDs. :)
This isn't a "load-n-go" aircraft. Takes some learning, which makes it funner, IMO. Is that a word?
You don't need a PHD to figure out how it works, but you do need to do a little research.  Run through the displays, try low-n-slow flight, try a zoom climb to see how it acts. Try out the various ACM and BFM' know, all the goodies. Make sure you have room to recover from a departure, though! You don't want to ride a plane into a smoking hole, as they say. It's not easy to make the plane depart controlled flight, but it IS possible. Try a few up at 30 kFt. Gives lots room to ecover. And to try out the Spin Recovery switch :D

Have fun with it, that's what matters, no matter how you do it :)


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« Reply #427 on: November 02, 2019, 11:19:11 pm »
Using the default P3D V3 flight with the F-22 out of Eglin before swapping into the Hornet makes it works perfect. No strange flight behaviour. Then I moved to Baden Sollingen in Germany (using a self made scenery of the former Canadian Hornet base) the strange rudder behaviour reappeared again during landings. Then it struck me that it might be connected to 3rd party sceneries and I tested it with other 3rd party air bases I have in P3D and at all locations I get different flight behaviour abnormalities (worst is while flying in Norway for some reason..)...  Moved back to a stock airport and all issues mystically disappeared.. I have never seen this with other aircraft! Any advice of what to do?



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« Reply #428 on: November 04, 2019, 08:50:26 pm »
Any advice of what to do?
Only fly out of default airports?  ;D

Seriously, though, at least as serious as I get, have you tried flying out of the problem airports, but using the default, default flight? Make the default flight the P3D v3 the default flight, let it load into the Free Flight page completely, with the chosen airport selected. Once in the world at the 3rd party airport, with the default plane, mind, the switch over to the Hornet?

Make sure you have the fewest 3rd party airports required for the particular flight you're doing. Every additional one loads up the VM space more and more, so the fewest possible enabled will allow the VM more room for the aircraft's calculations.

Second possibility, when you get the odd rudder behaviour after loading in, have you tried resetting the FCS? Small button, left side consoles, just aft the throttles. Then see what the rudders are doing. Just press it in, and after about a second it'll pop back up by it's self. Should be done during any flight prep, like wiping the controls.

Does the rudder problem only occur when in multiplayer, or both single player and MP? If in MP only, have you tried loading the Hornet into the world in SP, resetting the FCS, which should be part of any preflight prep, like making sure the generators are on, etc, anywho, and then going into MP? Might be worth a shot.

Another possibility is to reboot the computer before any flight. Might be a bit if a PITA, but it may help. Make sure that you always recalibrate your control device, prior to launching from the Free Flight menu page, after a reboot.

Speaking of, do you have the Rudder Axis with a slight Null Zone? Say about 5 or 10%? You may have a slightly "noisy" controller, especially if it's one that uses potentiometers instead of Hall Effect diodes, and setting a small Null Zone value may reduce the noise input to the system. Also, is the Sensitivity full right?

Ok, my brain just smoke-checked. Not enough coffee. I hope something will help in all my babbling...


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« Reply #429 on: December 21, 2019, 06:27:48 am »
I've run into an issue, using version 18.3. When selecting a flight in FSX, as the aircraft renders in the 3D viewer, there is a single  beep. Start flight and the beep is repetitive every 3 seconds, forever, the MFD's are blank with standby flashing. Switch to a different livery, start flight, single beep, MFD's switch on and everything's OK. Anyone run into this, and is there a switch for the MFD's, read through what manuals I have, but no luck. Tried the FCS reset button, does nothing.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 08:13:19 am by armenius »


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« Reply #430 on: January 14, 2020, 10:00:08 pm »
I've never seen it either.
Are you using the sim's default flight, the trike over Friday harbour that comes with the sim, as YOUR default flight?
Do you have the .NET Framework 3.5 installed and active? The latest FSUIPC for FSX installed?

Each MFD does have an on/off switch upper right corner, IIRC. I don't think those are the problem/solution, though.
Let us know how things work out!

Blue Angels

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« Reply #431 on: February 04, 2020, 01:22:49 pm »
When will the FSXBA_FA-18C_Hornet_v19.4.131 be released


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« Reply #432 on: February 04, 2020, 10:54:33 pm »
Hi to all,
please i need help with this great plane.
 Is possible to fly this birds without joystick, eg with keyboard elevators, rudder etc?

I try stable version 18.3 and latest test version with exe file FSXBA_FA-18C_Hornet_v18.4.131 in FSX Acceleration, buth have problem with keyboard steering.
On ground everything is ok buth when in air, keyboard commands not working until cruise altitude, any help please?

sorry for my bad english, kind regards.


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« Reply #433 on: February 07, 2020, 02:07:40 am »
This forum is dead ? ???


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« Reply #434 on: February 07, 2020, 09:13:53 pm »
No, it's not.
I only check the forums at MOST once a day. I'm working on the Hornet, trying to get the AGM-88 installed and fully functional. It's not an easy task for an XML newb like me, but I'm working through it. Takes a lot of my sim time, that I used to use for flying. I am enjoying the heck out of it though.
Point is, I may not check the forum every day, and I may or may not have an answer to your question. The true pro's at this are still active duty military, and may not be able to check the forums every day either.
So no, the forums aren't dead, but remember, patience is a virtue :D

To answer your questions, yes, you CAN in fact fly the plane using the KB, but doing so is NOT recommended. You can't get the fine control  inputs you truly need to fly the plane correctly and well. IMO, a joystick and rudder pedals are the way to go, although given the qualities of the FCS, you can do it very effectively without the rudder pedals. They make doing the pirouette maneuver, and some others, much easier, though.

As to your second question: it sounds like you're using the autopilot during take-off and climbout. The autopilot in an F/A-18 is what's called a pilot relief system. It's really made to take some of the load of flying a high performance fighter aircraft off the pilot for a short time. It allows him to set up systems for the next phase of flight, like landing on the carrier, for example, set up radios, program in new way points, troubleshoot problems that crop up, and so on. It is not made to fly the plane the way the big tube liners do. This is not flown by pushing buttons, like the big planes. If you're using the autopilot like the tubes do, it won't work very well.
Additionally, if you can't get the keyboard to work, are you using the command to make the mouse function as the stick? No, I don't recall it right off the top of my head. CTRL+K? I think? If you are using that, the KB will not function for use as a stick.
SO, you can try either making sure the AP systems are all off, and/or ensure you don't hit the mouse-yoke feature somehow.

Finally, are you using a saved flight that is NOT the sim's original default? The trike ove Friday Harbour. If you are, don't :D Make sure that the sim is using the default default flight only. It sets up systems and various variables the plane needs to fly correctly. Once it's loaded all the way into the Free Flight page, then you can switch to the airport and plane you desire.

By the way, mixing the two versions won't function correctly. If you're using the v18.3 for everything, like panels, sounds etc, but the v18.4 executable, it won't work properly. Use one or the other. Don't play mix-n-match.

Does any of this help at all?