General Category > Unofficial F/A-18 Acceleration Pack board


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--- Quote from: PhantomTweak on September 19, 2017, 08:02:17 am ---Still loving this latest version. It gets better and better. Still a few minor things need to be fixed, but other than that...

Jimi, hope you have a great PCS experience. It doesn't seem hardly a month ago you PCS'd to Hawaii! Enjoy your time in Italy. Lots of touristy kinda spots to see there. History up the yin-yang...
Hope you family does well, too.
Looking forward to seeing you back hard at work on this incredible bird. No rest for the weary, is there?

Orion: Good to hear from you. Seems like it's been a while. Hope you and yours are doing well.


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Thanks for the good words Pat!

Wow, tough duty going from Hawaii to Italy, guess I was in the wrong rate/branch or air wing guys just don't have it as good as we thought! Looking forward to more Tacpack testing in the future with this model.


--- Quote ---Thanks for the good words Pat!
--- End quote ---
My pleasure!

--- Quote ---Wow, tough duty going from Hawaii to Italy, guess I was in the wrong rate/branch or air wing guys just don't have it as good as we thought! Looking forward to more Tacpack testing in the future with this model.
--- End quote ---
I don't want to hear about it! I was stuck in YUMA, a place I despise, for 7 of my 10 years. And I was on det for 6 months of my last year, which was in beautiful Beaufort by the Sea. My first 2 were in Millington, TN, going to school. And a little time in El Toro, CA, waiting for PCS assignment.
Then I went back to Yuma, after I got out. For another 20 years...
Hated every minute, but I had property by then, and a family to raise, so I stuck it out.
So yeah, I understand "Wrong rate or airwing"!

Jimi's lucky. He's going to see some beautiful places, and already has. My father was a UAL pilot, and we did a lot of traveling as I was growing up. More than the rest of my life :D

Have fun all!
Back to the wonderful aircraft :)

Some of the cockpit sounds don't work for me in P3Dv4, for example the high AoA sound, AoA.wav.  I definitely had at least some more sounds working in P3Dv3 and years ago in FSX.  Also I'm getting a lot of tail wagging with the rudder with this current version (17.1.31).  Regardless, great work on this jet!

Awesome, Can't wait to test this out. Thanks.... ;D


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