Hi, Mike!
Yes, the short answer is that he's working on it as best he can.
The long answer is that he's traveling all over Europe for his job, and that takes up a lot of his time and effort. Doesn't leave a whole lot of either for working on the Hornet, but he's doing his best. Mostly working on the Manual for it, as far as I know, and checking out possible coding errors I find as I try my best to integrate the HARM missile into it. So, hopefully, there will be some real steps ahead when the next version is published.
BTW, I can't promise I'll have the whole HARM system 100% going by the next update, but I believe I will have a "fire-n-forget" version going. Maybe no PB or TOO functions, but if you get painted by a SAM or AAA radar you should be able to just point somewhere near the site and turn it loose. It SHOULD fly down the radar beam and nail the transmitter. A kind-of, sort-of, SP mode. It may or may not have the MFD and RWR displays, but I'm trying to get them too. MFDs are not an area I'm very familiar with, though.
I'm pretty sure it'll be able to stay on a transmitter that shuts off, and maybe even moves afterward. Best description of it I heard was from a Phantom Wild Weasel pilot. He said it has a "home on animosity" feature. It hates the radar vans it detects, and flies to them and destroys them with great glee, and accuracy.
Anyway, I'm working on it as fast as I can. Almost to the basic testing phase. More to come!
Far as I know, that's what going on right now

Does that help at all?