Author Topic: Gsx does not recognize parking  (Read 2436 times)


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Gsx does not recognize parking
« on: September 11, 2017, 06:58:25 pm »
I can not run gsx, it does not recognize the parking areas. I tried to rebuild the cache and change the airport files in mytraffic scenery, but it does not work, maybe there are no duplicates.
I use p3d V4 with Mytraffic, it does with all the airports added, with the default ones it is fine.
What can I try?
Thank you


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Re: Gsx does not recognize parking
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2017, 11:02:07 am »
GSX surely recognize all parkings of an airport. Provided, of course, is using the correct AFCAD and you don't have any conflicts.

So, the first thing you should do, is to check which AFCAD is used by GSX, in the scenery customization page. If it's not the one that is supposed to use with the airport, do as follows:

- Move the airport on an higher layer in the Scenery Library. An addon airport should always be placed as high as possible. GSX obviously respect the layer priority when deciding which AFCAD to choose, when there's more than one.

- Be sure you don't have any conflicts. Those are usually caused by AI Traffic products so, if you have an add-on airport, you must REMOVE the AFCAD for it that is provided with the AI traffic products, because that's is supposed to be used only as an replacement for the default scenery.

- Do all these changes when the sim is not running. Be sure GSX is updating the cache on the next start, after you did all the changes. If if doesn't rebuild the cache automatically, use the "Restart Couatl and rebuild the airport cache" option.