Author Topic: Can't Unistall KLAS **SOLVED**  (Read 6713 times)


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Can't Unistall KLAS **SOLVED**
« on: August 28, 2017, 06:53:21 pm »
I've been having a problem with KLAS.  It would not show up when I loaded it.  No buildings or jetways. I have a duel install of FSX boxed and Steam.  KLAS shows up in boxed but not in Steam.  I uninstalled the FSX-SE version in control panel.  I then reinstalled it.  Then I find that I have two Addon Managers in my FS menu list.  I clicked on one of them, then KLAS, then one would state that my trial mode was up, if I clicked on the other Addon manager, It would state that KLAS was active, but not installed in my scenery.  Even though it was checked in the FS Scenery menu.  Did you get all of this so far?

At this point I decided the best thing to do was uninstall all of KLAS, in SE and boxed, which I did.  Rebooted my pc, started FS-SE went to KLAS, and FSDreamteam KLAS was still there! Went to the control panel and it was not listed in program and features.  I want to reinstall it, but how do I remove it?  All my other FSDreamteam airports are fine.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 05:18:03 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Can't Unistall KLAS
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 09:42:46 am »
If you have two Addon Manager menus, it means you installed an old FSDT installer after installing one of the newest one, which installs outside the sim.

- Uninstall everything from FSDT or Flightbeam from the Windows Control Panel and reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?" that is made at the end.

- Download and install the latest installers for all the FSDT and Flightbeam products.

- Install ONLY from the current installers.


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Re: Can't Unistall KLAS
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2017, 05:06:01 pm »
Did all that.  KLAS was working fine.  My QW 757 then had a gauge display problem.  I uninstalled my QW 757 because of a gauge display problem, then I reinstalled it.  Guess what?  Now KLAS would not display, the QW ac was fine but not KLAS.  The issue was that I had two addon managers again.  Same story if I went to their menu, one would say active but not installed and the other would say in the trial mode.  If I uninstall the QW ac, KLAS would be fine and vice versa.  It appears that both installers are are installing the addon managers on top of each other.  My other FSDT and FlightBeam airports are fine.  It's only KLAS that's affected.  I have a dual install of FSX boxed and Steam.  KLAS and the QW 757 in boxed is not affected like this.  Now what?



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Re: Can't Unistall KLAS
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2017, 08:40:56 am »
I uninstalled my QW 757 because of a gauge display problem, then I reinstalled it.  Guess what?  Now KLAS would not display, the QW ac was fine but not KLAS.  The issue was that I had two addon managers again. 

That to be expected. You never said you had the QW757 so, I assumed you only had FSDT or Flightbeam sceneries.  Repeat the whole procedure, but install the QW757 *before* installing any of the new FSDT/Flightbeam installers.

- Uninstall everything from FSDT or Flightbeam from the Windows Control Panel and reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?" that is made at the end.

- Uninstall the QW757 and reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?" that is made at the end.

- If you entries in the uninstallers for FSX and FSX:SE, remove all of them. If you have entries for the Stand-Alone Addon Manager ("Virtuali Addon Manager"), remove that one too.

- Reinstall the QW757 FIRST. Install it into FSX and FSX:SE.

- Download and install the latest installers for all the FSDT and Flightbeam products.

- Install ONLY from the current installers. DO NOT reinstall the QW757 *after* having installed the new FSDT/Flightbeam installers.


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Re: Can't Unistall KLAS
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2017, 08:39:22 pm »
Did all that.  Uninstalled the QW757 and then the rest of the FSDT and Flight beam sceneries.  Removed any Addon Manager folders in my pc.  Installed the QW757, checked it out, gauge displays ok.  Installed the GSX, FSDT and Flightbeam sceneries and again, two Addon Managers in the menu and the displays on 757 are not displaying.  If I uninstall the 757 at this point and reinstall her, the gauges are fine but two Addon Managers again.  Yes, I do have the latest installers from FSDT, Flightbeam, and QW.  I've been at this for a week now.



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Re: Can't Unistall KLAS
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2017, 11:18:32 am »
If I uninstall the 757 at this point and reinstall her, the gauges are fine but two Addon Managers again.  Yes, I do have the latest installers from FSDT, Flightbeam, and QW.  I've been at this for a week now.

I'm sorry but, if you have two Addon Manager menus, the only possible reason for this is:

- You haven't uninstalled everything from FSDT/Flightbeam/QW (including the Stand-Alone Addon Manager) and/or forgot this step:

reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?" that is made at the end.


- You have reinstalled the QW757 after the other products with newer installers.


- You have corrupted DLL/EXE.XML files, so the uninstaller wasn't able to clean them up while uninstalling, assuming you haven't forgot the aforementioned step of asking to remove the Addon Manager.


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Re: Can't Unistall KLAS
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2017, 04:41:10 pm »
Did that all over again, rebooted the pc and everything, scenery and the QW757 is working fine.  After a week of fixing, now I can fly:-) Thank you.
