Author Topic: gsx at night (dynamic lighting)  (Read 3695 times)


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gsx at night (dynamic lighting)
« on: August 02, 2017, 10:18:21 pm »
GSX in P3Dv4 is great at night due to new dynamic lighting feature.
However, it has the typical problem (similarly to great airports adjusted for p3dv4), i.e. drop of FPS by cca 10.... (due to full workload of GPU).
Is there any way how to optimize that ? (expect of switching off dynamic lighting at all..) ?
many thanks !


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Re: gsx at night (dynamic lighting)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2017, 01:25:29 pm »
However, it has the typical problem (similarly to great airports adjusted for p3dv4), i.e. drop of FPS by cca 10.... (due to full workload of GPU).

As you can see here:

There's no fps hit whatsoever, using KCLT + GSX (BOTH using Dynamic lights), with a default airplane. But of course, if your GPU is already overstressed by the usage of several dynamic lights that comes with a complex airliner or a complex airport not optimized as KCLT, there's not much we can do.

KCLT, thanks to the usage of our software module, is WAY more optimized than any other airport out there that doesn't use our software, because we never display more than 6-7 lights at time, by checking the terminal side closest to your parking and showing only the row of lights on that side.

Airports from other developers that feature dynamic lights but don't use our software modules, don't have this optimization so, they don't have much control over the number of dynamic lights displayed by the scenery, and the fps impact of them is multiplied by the image complexity.

The more objects you have in view, the more the dynamic lights will affect fps so, Scenery Complexity and Autogen will affect them, even if it doesn't seems to. This has been confirmed to us by LM on their developers forum so, in addition to the antialiasing settings, there are other settings that will affect fps with dynamic lights.


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Re: gsx at night (dynamic lighting)
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2017, 07:45:59 pm »
Hi, many thanks ! I understand.
I use 4xMSAA but still my NVDIA 1080 cannot handle more busy airports (from number of lights point of view). In that case it is on the edge with GPU performance... once nice lighted GSX cars arrive fps drop due to that...
Hope p3D guys can somehow more optimize dynamic lighting engine as it cannot be expected that all developers of all airports will be able to optimize their products easily...

(in my case I used PMDG744, KMSP from flightbeam and GSX.....)



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Re: gsx at night (dynamic lighting)
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2017, 03:07:47 pm »
I use 4xMSAA but still my NVDIA 1080 cannot handle more busy airports (from number of lights point of view). In that case it is on the edge with GPU performance... once nice lighted GSX cars arrive fps drop due to that...

My video, which clearly shows GSX vehicles don't have any impact on fps, even on an airport (KCLT) that has dynamic lights on its own, was made with a GTX 980.

So, either you are using other settings that are too high, as I've said:

The more objects you have in view, the more the dynamic lights will affect fps so, Scenery Complexity and Autogen will affect them

Or your loss of performance was caused by the scenery or the airplane.

(in my case I used PMDG744, KMSP from flightbeam and GSX.....)

That seems to confirm this:

- The PMDG 744 has its own set of dynamic lights

- Flightbeam doesn't use Couatl anymore for KMSP, so it doesn't have the optimizations we used at KCLT, where the Couatl engine can shut down automatically dynamic lights not pertaining to the terminal your plane is located so, instead of 5-6 lights at time, it doesn't have much control on the number of lights that appears at any given time.