Author Topic: loading bagage never stop  (Read 2148 times)


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loading bagage never stop
« on: November 09, 2017, 10:13:25 pm »

I'm new to GSX so sorry if I miss something obvious.
I have an issue with boarding passenger option.
When I select this option, a car arrive, I have a message stating that passenger are boarding then boarding completed and the car leave.
I have a message stating bagage are loading but no car show up and this process never end, the opton menu always show bagage loading and I can't select any other service as this one is still in progress.
It happens with the 2 aircraft I have tried so far, the Carenado Twin Otter extended and the LearJet 25 from Xtrem prototype.
I run P3D V4.1 on windows 10.
I have not modified the default timing value.

Any help appreciated


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Re: loading bagage never stop
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2017, 11:12:07 pm »
When you select boarding, the cart will arrive from an away parking. Could be they are simply taking a while, because the airport doesn't have many parkings nearby or no parkings at all of the "vehicle" kind ?

Please indicate which airport you use, and if the problem happens on default airplane with a default scenery.

It happens with the 2 aircraft I have tried so far, the Carenado Twin Otter extended and the LearJet 25 from Xtrem prototype

None of these are supported by GSX internally so, you must do a proper configuration in order to use them with GSX. Are you sure it's correct, with all doors in their right place ?


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Re: loading bagage never stop
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2017, 09:44:45 am »
I have try it on a default airport and as I can see a car arriving for the passenger I don't think it is related to the airport parking position.
However I have not configured the learjet nor the twin otter so maybe it is why.
I'm not in front of the P3D computer, for the learjet, that have only one exit is it possible to configure it to have the only exit applicable for both passenger and lugage ? (and catering services as well)


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Re: loading bagage never stop
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2017, 07:04:26 pm »
Ok so I try to configure both the learjet and the twin otter.
With the learjet I manage to have it work, not with the twin otter the same issue of bagage loading lasting for ever remain
Then I try with the majestic Q400 that is supposed to be supported from scratch as I'm not sure at all of my configuration skills.
On the Dash Q400, all the vehicule appears I have the animation of the bagage being loaded in the aircraft however again the process never end preventing to ask for other services (have to use the reset function)
I did it at a default airport (LFBT)