So im relatively new to GSX, ive been on FS9 until recently switching to FSX SE. Anyways, i got a question. Is there a way to pick what kind of air stairs comes to the main pax door for all aircraft? I would like to use something a bit bigger and can actually reach the floor height of the door on my aircraft. Below is an example. I would like the stairs that are in the aft door up front and stop using the small little stairs and only use those for regionals and not mainline.
Aircraft being used is from HJG. MD-88
Door height from GSX:
main pax door
-1.54 (LAT), 17.85 (Long), 2.27 (height)
Service door near engine:
-1.65(LAT), -6.90 (Long), 2.75 (height)
Aircraft exit section from aircraft cfg:
//openclose rate percent per second, longitudinal, lateral, vertical positions from datum (feet), type (0=Main 1=Cargo 2=Emergency)
number_of_exits = 5
exit.0 = 0.25, 54.9, -3.9, 3.8, 0 //[meters: 16.73 (long), -1.18 (LAT), 1.15 (Height)]
exit.1 = 0.15, 58.662, 5.110, 3.273, 1
exit.2 = 0.15, 40.246, 3.695, -1.245, 1
exit.3 = 0.15, 18.110, 3.696, -1.245, 1
exit.4 = 0.15, -25.140, 3.696, -1.245, 1
Please let me know if i need to edit a cfg file or something to get it to work.