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Flytampa, Flightbeam, FSDT and 29Palms future products to be P3D4 only

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--- Quote from: ubersu on July 04, 2017, 12:12:58 pm ---Sorry, in view of P3D's EULA and costs, you have lost me as a customer.


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Have fun living in the past. I for one support all developers moving forward, from experience P3Dv4 is the simulator we should of had since October 2006 (The month FSX was released). Those that say "You lost me as a customer," understand the permanent move to P3Dv4 will gain FAR more customers and a brand new customer base.

Somebody please explain the purpose of P3D4??  I looked on the website and it specifically states that this sim is NOT for "Personal Consumer Entertainment."  There are only "student' options.

Well, even though I am a private pilot, I am not a student.  I flight sim for "personal entertainment."  So, am I not allowed to buy or use P3D4? 

Why are FS developers talking about migrating away from FSX, when such a small group of consumers are "allowed" to use this sim?   

About the P3D EULA, this is not the place to discuss what License applies to you. However, if you think there isn't a license that seems to apply to you, I would suggest to have a look at the Developer Subscription option:

RobertO1035 is not raising the question of the lisence here. He is putting the fact on the table that great sim developers want to support the sim without the license for 99% of consumers. It's not a question! This is the fact.
Besides this fact there is another issue here. It is called "forcing the end consumers to buy the certain sim".



--- Quote from: OVI on July 05, 2017, 03:06:34 am ---Umberto,
RobertO1035 is not raising the question of the lisence here. He is putting the fact on the table that great sim developers want to support the sim without the license for 99% of consumers. It's not a question! This is the fact.
Besides this fact there is another issue here. It is called "forcing the end consumers to buy the certain sim".


--- End quote ---

So a developer who exclusively developers for X-Plane, and their are a number of them, are forcing me to buy X-Plane? Are you going on their formus and making your concerns about being forced to buy X-Plane known? I certainly hope so if you have a genuine issue around what you are saying.

The 'fact' is I have something called freedom of choice, as do developers. These guys have made a business decision. You and others who want to cling to these antiquated licensing arguments being rolled out since P3D was released can make a consumer decision. That's how it works. To say you are being forced into something is utter nonsense.


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