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Flytampa, Flightbeam, FSDT and 29Palms future products to be P3D4 only

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--- Quote from: timmo73 on July 15, 2017, 02:43:48 pm ---Since I live here in Orlando and down the street from Lockheed Martin I'm trying to get Lockheed Martin to ban or have stricter guidelines those that are using Prepar3D for entertainment purposes. Lockheed Martin is not in the entertainment business nor will they ever be. Their simulator is getting abused by people using it for entertainment purposes and can't wait until Dovetail Games gets their 64bit simulator meant for entertainment purposes. I brought it to Lockheed Martins attention what's going on and they are looking into it. Their information could get into the wrong hands because people choose to ignore what P3D is used for. I'm better off patiently waiting for Dovetail Games to create their 64bit simulator when I know Lockheed Martin will do something sooner or later to prevent this from happening anymore. If you have both P3D 64bit and Dovetail Games 64bit there will be confusion on airplanes and scenery compatible. It's stupid to focus on Lockheed Martin as again they are not in the entertainment business and not getting anything from Microsoft anymore. Remember, Microsoft has granted the rights to Dovetail Games and not Lockheed Martin to develop the next Flight Simulator in the series. I think I am very wise to wait and see what happens. Lockheed Martin has the right to terminate any license not used for entertainment purposes. I'll let Dovetail Games to develop their new 64bit simulator and join them when the time is right for me. I have a conscience and it bothers me that i would really be using P3DV4 for entertainment purposes so after downloading it I decided to ask for a refund and do what I believe is right. Ive' waited all this time for a new Flight Simulator since FSX and I can wait longer. Patience is a virtue.

--- End quote ---

Your problem is that you ASSUME that people are using it for entertainment purposes. You have no bloody idea how or why people are using the Academic version of P3D.

We all know what happens when you ASSUME. So keep your preconceived notions (read: prejudices) to yourself.


Guys I think he's honestly just a spammer. He's been advertising his stupid "Dovetails FlightSimWorld" in his last like 10 posts. It's so obvious

Yeah, sounds like he is from DT itself. Obviously he has no idea what he is talking about.

PMDG MD11 thats all , that is why i will stick with FSX , i can run P3D but i dont like the look of it . Wise move to release KSDF for FSX other than that , which im glad your releasing it for FSX , im happy for you boys to move on but until PMDG release the MD11 for P3Dv whatever i will stick with FSX with big stevie boys DX10 fixer . Blue skies all you big timers in your PMDG 777s , oh and its not real ssshhhhhh dont tell anybody

I hope you don't honestly think we should intentionally release new airports (those are are *designing* now, to be released in the next 2-3 years ) crippled by having to support a sim based on 11-years old technology, just because some other developers are unable/unwilling to update some of their products for 64 bit.


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