Author Topic: KLAS buildings PARTIALLY missing **SOLVED**  (Read 3577 times)


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KLAS buildings PARTIALLY missing **SOLVED**
« on: June 28, 2017, 09:16:01 pm »
Hi guys,

what a surprise... been away from flightsimming for a few months, and when I return, my long desired KLAS update is suddenly there... thanks a lot, FSDT!!!

My problem - FSX (non-SE), addon Manager showeing, GSX menu showing, COAUTL showing... The "old" buildings are there, the jetways of the new Terminal 3 are there - nut not ther terminal building.

Only other scenery I have installedin that area is LV city by Aerosoft, but I've deactivated it just in case...

I've done the new live update twice, restarted COAUTL with and without rebuild... T3 still doesn't show. Buildings on the East cargo apron also don't show (just the shadow). Any ideas about it?

Thanks for any help
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 10:27:04 am by virtuali »


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SOLVED: KLAS buildings PARTIALLY missing
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2017, 09:49:23 pm »
Never mind my previous post... didn't imagine I'd have to re-install the scenery; live update wasn't mighty enough
