Here is my config its named fsx_se.cfg for some reason before it was just called fsx.cfg but i had to change my Windows Profile, which was corrupted :
Which confirms my suspicion the problem didn't had anything to do with GSX, but was caused by a problem with your FSX.CFG, because it has been reset to default due to your user account problem, so it's missing the paths to the GSX simobjects, which are set by the GSX installer so, it should be enough to reinstall GSX.
The FSX.CFG has changed into FSX-SE.CFG, because the sim has detected you have both FSX and FSX:SE installed together, so it has set the sim to run in "side-by-side" mode. If you don't have the standard FSX installed anymore, you probably have remnants of it in the registry, or it's just because you uninstalled FSX after you installed FSX:SE when they were installed together.
When you uninstall FSX from a system, you must:
- Uninstall FSX
- Uninstall FSX:SE
- Reinstall FSX:SE
- Run FSX:SE once
This way, FSX:SE will be reconfigure itself to run in "single" mode, so it will use the normal FSX registry keys and folders. And, you must do it for ALL your user accounts, if you have more than one.
All addons exept GSX work as they should.
All addons that YOU tested are working, but just because they don't require to add their line to the FSX.CFG file (there are several from Aerosoft, then all sceneries that use SODE, etc. ), which is of course done by their installer.