ASIR Page 1, 10 OCT 06:
05-0607: LDG RWY 34.
0608-1959: LDG RWY 14 or 16.
20-0459: LDG RWY 28.
Other RWYs may only be used due to OPS or MET reasons.
05-0807: LDG RWY 34.
0808-1859: LDG RWY 14 or 16.
19-0459: LDG RWY 28.
Other RWYs may only be used due to OPS or MET reasons.
BTN 06-1959 TKOF shall normally be mad on RWY 28.
When TKOF RWY 28 not possible RWY 10, 34, 32 or 16 shall be used.
BTN 20-0559 all jet ACFT TKOF are to be made on RWY 32 or 34.
BTN 20-0559 TKOF on RWY 34 shall be executed from interseciton with TWY R8 unless whole RWY length is required for safety reasons."
Fred Nikles
Well, very useful and thank you very much for your information.
Unfortunately we can not have different afcads for different times of the day, but mixing all your useful information, it tells me that:
- For landing we have 14, 16, 34 and 28. With my little improvements, all 4 are available.
- For takeoff we have 10, 28, 32 and 34. Only 32 is closed for TO, because otherwise I would have a lot of aircrafts taking off from 14 as well (both sides need to be opened as you know). Being 16 a longer runway than 16 I am sure that our inteligent aircrafts may prefer 16 to depart, but to prevent any conflicts and strange things, better to close both sides for TO.

In 95 % of the time, I am quite sure that 14 and 14 are the main runways for landing and maybe 28 from a few ones, and 28 as well as 16 are the main runways for take off. With the afcad system we have another problem. The afcad shows in the runway description:
- 14/32
- ... (all intermediate runways of the star system)
- 16/34
- ... (all intermediate runways of the star system)
- ... (all intermediate runways of the star system)
- 28/10
Why this? If I would write 10/28 and not 28/10, aircrafts would use 10, 14 and 16, or in the opposite way, 28, 32, 34.
Now, they use 14,16 and 28 and they cover a large "angle" for wind settings, maybe from 80 or 90 degrees to 320 or 330 which is almost what should happen in real life (I don´t know LSZH very well, but it will be not so much different than what I am saying). Even with different angles, they are at the same time not strong, and when they don´t pass 10 knots, FS can choose the best way to solve it. For the rest of the "angle" which maybe happens quite a few times, the simulator would choose the opposite system (10, 32 and 34). Since 32 is closed for landing it would be choosen for TO and 34 for both operations. Runway 10 maybe for TO since there is an ILS at 34 and aircrafts would prefer ILS than visual approach. That´s my easiest explanation of the star system built like that and not in other way.