Author Topic: GSX Pushback only allows one direction instead of 2  (Read 2210 times)


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GSX Pushback only allows one direction instead of 2
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:40:53 pm »
Parking at gates D5 and D7 at FSDT's KIAH in the PMDG 747 and 777, whenever I request for pushback it only allows NOSE LEFT/TAIL RIGHT and straight... but there's no option for NOSE RIGHT/TAIL LEFT. In P3D v3 I was able to have all 3 options, but in P3D v4 this seems to be missing. I'm not sure what happened to those other options.


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Re: GSX Pushback only allows one direction instead of 2
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 12:13:16 pm »
It's not possible you would see a difference between P3D V3 and V4, because this seems to be a problem with the GSX .INI file we supplied with KIAH in the scenery folder, some parkings seems to be incorrectly flagged as "Right" preference only.

You can fix this in two ways:

- Opening the GSX parking customization page, select all parkings where you want to have a Left+Right pushback preference and choose "Both", then Apply the changes.


- Run the FSDT Live Update now, which will download a fixed .INI file for KIAH