Hi virtuali,
Due to the totally different way the new Charlotte Scenery installs, as compared to others, such as the GSX and the JFK, I was trying to debate rather to install the new KCLT scenery into the same folder as the GSX and JFK, which is C:\FSX\fsdreamteam, or install it in C:\ I'm sure you're aware that programs such as the GSX and the JFK automatically installs into the FSX under the folder name fsdreamteam. When installing the GSX and JFK, and maybe some others, it only allows you to pick the sim version. But with the new KCLT Scenery, it does not install in the same fashion and it installs to C:\Program Files (x86) Addon Manager. But it does allow for selecting a different folder by clicking Browse. I've mentioned previously that I did not want to install to the Program Files (x86) folder but rather install to the sim fsdreamteam, which is the same location as the GSX and JFK. I clicked Browse and directed it to C:\FSX\fsdreamteam, but what I've noticed was that it also has another folder named Addon Manager, so the destination folder would be C:\FSX\fsdreamteam\Addon Manager. What I was wondering is that will it be okay to leave out the Addon Manager folder or will that cause issues? Also, what's going to happen is that the GSX and the KJFK will automatically be moved over to the Addon Manager. If I remember correctly, the folder structure is C\Program Files (x886)\Addon Manager\fsdreamteam. I got to thinking that if I decide to install the KCLT to the same folder as the GSX and JFK, it will have 2 folders named fsdreamteam, because one is in the sim and the other is in the Addon Manager of the KCLT. If I do this, the folder structure will be C:\FSX\fsdreamteam\Addon Manager\fsdreamteam, which doesn't make much since to me. So, I'm thinking about installing the KCLT in C:\, so the structure will be C:\Addon Manager\fsdreamteam, which looks more organized. Will this installation work? Also, during the installation, the GSX and JFK will be moved over to this new destination. That was one of things I did not like about the new way of installation but I guess they all need to be in the same location. So, I assume that when it moves the programs, I should allow it to do so. So, will this installation destination work?