Author Topic: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?  (Read 7082 times)


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Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« on: June 01, 2017, 03:32:15 am »
Delighted that KLAS has now been updated. However I have recently purchased Orbx FTX Southern California and, no matter what I tried including the fix recommended below, I got elevation issues.

While I recognize that the issue is an Orbx one and not FSDT, I wonder if any extra compatibility has been included in this KLAS build, because Holger's recommendations simply don't seem to work, unless I uninstall FTX SCA.

I will of course address the issue with Orbx support, but first wanted to ask if there were any changes made that would render the previous instructions inaccurate?



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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 03:36:38 am »
I'm not really sure how we could suggest a fix for another product, when even the fix suggested by the original developer of that product doesn't work.

If KLAS works with the default scenery and doesn't with OrbX, there's not much else we can do, and surely they must know how their product works and what it changes.


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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 03:44:40 am »
OK I have asked them. I'm a little surprised that the opportunity wasn't taken to work with Orbx to achieve better compatibility to overcome the known issues for this updated version. Surely there are many KLAS owners who also use FTX SCA! While I accept your software isn't to blame, and also that FSDT KLAS was around when Orbx developed the SoCal region, so the onus is on them, it's surely better to offer customers a compatibility option on install rather than all the messing about that's needed with BGL files etc and which, at least in my case, doesn't seem to work. Right now, if I want to use KLAS I have to uninstall FTX SCA. Not a great option it must be said.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 04:13:53 am by Catalysis »


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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2017, 04:27:23 am »
the onus is on them, it's surely better to offer customers a compatibility option on install rather than all the messing about that's needed with BGL files etc and which, at least in my case, doesn't seem to work.

I agree, it's would surely better, for OrbX, to offer their customers a compatibility option to fix a problem their product caused to an airport released years before their one.

Assume the following situation: what if we just released today a background scenery for the area of Sydney, and it turned out that it would cause issues to OrbX Sydney airport, which would disappear if you uninstalled it. Who you would expect to fix this ? Surely not OrbX.


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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2017, 05:38:58 am »
OK, I've reinstalled FTX SCA, made the Orbx recommended file changes and all seems to be well, except that, at ground level and probably up to about 100 feet above the ground, what appears to be the default runway, ground etc without any markings is appearing above the FSDT runway, ground. This is noticeable on takeoff and landing and there is flickering as the default ground transitions to FSDT. Any ideas? I have also asked the question of Orbx.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 05:40:54 am by Catalysis »


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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2017, 08:46:10 am »
I installed the V2 KLAS and applied all the steps as with the 1st version and didnt see any elevation issues when cruising around the airport in a helicopter. Runway 25L and R were okay without the peeling effect. Looks beautiful. Great job. I using FSX  and FSX SE.


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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2017, 10:37:00 am »
I just bought KLAS v2 and have the same issue as Catalysis (and the other folks over at the OrbX forum) both in v3 and v4. Applied the fixes from the OrbX forum (with and without the replacement bgl) and either I get severe elevation issues at the border of the airport or the "peeling through" of default ground textures. It only seems to be a infinitesimal change in the elevation that seems to cause that issue. It looks as if the default texture is just a few inches below the add-on airport ground textures which causes this.

Anyway, wished I had tested the airport before - my bad. Now I'm stuck with it :). Hoping for a solution.


« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 10:46:28 am by hawx2k »


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Re: Updated KLAS - Has FTX SCA compatibility been addressed?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2017, 03:11:00 pm »
Ok, let's put an end to this. I'll contact Orbx and ask for a copy of the product, so I can see what the problem really is. The topic is closed, until we'll get more information about this.


I contacted OrbX, sent a free copy of KLAS in case they need it, asked for a copy of SoCal scenery, and waiting for a reply. I'll post more information when we'll find more.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 04:01:30 pm by virtuali »