Author Topic: KIAH outdated after KCLT install  (Read 3251 times)


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KIAH outdated after KCLT install
« on: June 02, 2017, 03:08:50 am »
OK Umberto,

so I did as You proposed in the 'installation problems' thread
and uninstalled all my FSDT and Flightbeam and Cloud9 sceneries
including the Addon-manager.
Then installed them again and yes - most of them work properly again.

Only two issues remain:

After putting the init.pye file for KIAH,that you provided you for those,
who do not want SODE-jetways at KIAH,into the coutl-folder again the
message 'KIAH outdated' appeared in FSX and KIAH is not usable anymore.

I remember that you told that this could happen in the future,
but could you be so kind and give us an updated init.pye file
for KIAH that we can use it again without SODE-jetways please?!

Second issue is that Cloud9 Bergen is not having buildings anymore,
I am going to post this also in the Bergen-Forum.

Your help is as always very welcome and by the way

-KCLT is a great scenery and great enhancement compared to
the one from imaginesim!

Regards,Jens P.


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Re: KIAH outdated after KCLT install
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2017, 04:15:08 am »
KIAH is usable, just needs the updated terminal C to include the new gates C 1- C 15.. Other wise IAH is still good.. They've been busy I'm sure with KCLT & KLAS making that update for V4.. So I'm sure we'll get that update soon for KIAH..