Hi I get an error when starting jfk2 in P3D with gsx. After I quit Coatl all that I can see is the jetways and a basic background image. I have Ultimate traffic live but I disabled it still getting the same error. I also started P3D without running AS16\ASCA or PF3. I recently uninstalled JFK2 and GSX for FS-SE since I am not using Steam anymore

. Maybe this is the reason? I also re downloaded the stand alone addon manager
Here is the log:
couatl v3.1 (build 3625)
panic log started on Mon May 08 19:57:45 2017
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\common\sceneryAddOnMulti.py", line 642, in onEnter
File "couatl\common\sceneryAddOnMulti.py", line 752, in onEnterArea
File "couatl\common\sceneryAddOnMulti.py", line 669, in refreshDynamicObjects
File "couatl\common\dynamicShadows.py", line 43, in refresh
File "couatl\common\dynamicShadows.py", line 128, in refreshObjects
File "couatl\JFK2\__init__.py", line 162, in seasonChange
File "couatl\JFK2\__init__.py", line 142, in patchSeason
RuntimeError: CreateFile failed: The system cannot find the path specified: "C:\ProgramData\virtuali/FSDT_KJFK/KJFK_sf01.mdl"
{'User Pos': (40.645305555584, -73.77240277778628, 8.36679 m, 4.40479 m, 338.2886214498917)}
Slew mode False
Loading airport KJFK from C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\FsDreamTeam\KJFK\scenery\KJFK_FSDT.BGL
Using airport customization from GSX.airports.kjfk2_fsdt
Loading user customizations from C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\FsDreamTeam\KJFK\scenery\kjfk-FSDT.ini (file is designer-provided and won't be modified in-place)
Loading user customizations from C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali/GSX\kjfk-dhrlfn.ini
Added Menu SubItem "Customize airport positions..." (parentId 82, id 99)