For some reason the installer added Remote= under all my scenery.cfg files.
Maybe I wasn't entirely clear: under P3D V3.3 and up and V4, the installer
does not touch the scenery.cfg AT ALL! In addition to that, even in FSX or P3D pre-v3, the installer never added the "remote=" line.
I double-checked again the whole installer code, and there's nothing that even contains the word "remote" in the entire program code, just to be sure that I never forgot something in, and for some reason P3D was mistakenly detected as being FSX, or if you P3D version was lower than 3.3, which doesn't fully support the new addon installation system, so it's treated in the old way.
So, if you saw all these "remote=" lines which weren't there before, you can be sure it has nothing to do with our installer.
Instead, if you run ANY other utility which is not fully compatible with P3D V4, there's the concrete risk the scenery.cfg will be DESTROYED, because that file is now encoded as Unicode so, any 3rd party installer or utility which is not ready for it and doesn't take this into account, will surely cause issues to it.
Which is why, in order to stay away from the problem entirely, we decided to use the new, much reliable, add-on distribution system, where addons (including scenery), are NOT added in the scenery.cfg, but in their own add-ons.xml file, in their own private folders under Documents\Prepar3d folders.
With this method, installers will not have to touch the scenery.cfg anymore, which is exactly what our new installers do, from P3D 3.3 and above.