Author Topic: Terminals AND Couatl Not loading when Changing Flight number  (Read 4535 times)


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Whenever I have tried to Change the Flight number or even the time after the initial load, The buildings disappear along with Couatl

Example of the last loading attempt is the screen shot below.

Any idea on how to fix?  Could it be an issue with my computer that I need to find and Fix?


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Re: Terminals AND Couatl Not loading when Changing Flight number
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2017, 09:00:52 am »
What do you mean, exactly, with "Change the Flight number" or "the time after the initial load" ?


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Re: Terminals AND Couatl Not loading when Changing Flight number
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2017, 04:19:55 pm »
Sorry if I wasn't clear when I originally posted this.

I do a "continous" aircraft, which means that once I land, deboard, I save the "flight" as to that location.   When I start up again (I always close down FSX between Flights), I load the previous flight (via the saved name) wait for it to completely load (15 seconds to initialize most times) then I go into the Aircraft select the same aircraft I am on (Usually a PDMG Boeing variant) and just change the flight # and push ok. 

That will restart the initialization process.  It is at this time that it has another high likelihood of Failing.

TO note though it does not always do this and I am trying to capture this issue in a video log, which is proving elusive when I have it recording.


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Re: Terminals AND Couatl Not loading when Changing Flight number
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2017, 10:15:08 pm »
That will restart the initialization process.  It is at this time that it has another high likelihood of Failing.

Ok so, if I understood it correctly, the automatic restart triggered by switching to a different plane, sometimes doesn't work. Yes, this can happen but, I ask you to wait for our next update, because this has been likely fixed. Unfortunately, we cannot say exactly when we'll be able to release it, but it should quit soon.


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Re: Terminals AND Couatl Not loading when Changing Flight number
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2017, 11:43:18 pm »
Good to know.  Honestly, was worried that I did something to mess it up.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I really do love your products, been using them for the last year or so, and I see these types of experiences as growing pains, rather than shortfalls.  Continue the good work :)