Author Topic: AI Carrier Question  (Read 2456 times)


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AI Carrier Question
« on: May 14, 2017, 12:57:26 am »
Had to reinstall P3D v3.  Installed AI Carriers also.  I use the RFN Tacan gauge for landing.  I keep getting this error message in P3D: Error Encountered Facility 0  Error ID 3 The system cannot find the path specified.  Full Error Code 0x3  Location 5 File ./Missions/Military/CarrierPractice/Sound/CarrierPractice_21.wav  There are about 10 of these messages with different wav numbers.  Can someone please tell me how to correct this problem?  Appreciate any suggestions.


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Re: AI Carrier Question
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2017, 08:01:13 am »
The problem is that P3D doesn't come with the Missions built in, and that's where the .wav files being sought go, as you can see in the error message.
Do you have a copy of FSX? If you do, copy the folder MISSIONS from FSX to your P3D root folder. That's the quick, easy way to fix the problem :D
If not, look for this download: .
Make a folder under your P3D root folder Missions\Military\CarrierPractice\Sound . You will have to make each folder shown, then the next inside it. Nesting them, it's called. IE: Make the folder Missions under your P3D folder. So, now you have P3D\Missions. Now open that, and make the folder Military. Now open THAT, and make a folder CarrierPractice. Finally, open the CarrierPractice folder and make the Sound folder.
Unzip the download file into a temp folder, and find all the .wave files you can. Put them all into the ...\Sound folder, and you're good to go. That's the slow, complicated way to fix the problem :p Make certain the spelling is correct, and the path looks EXACTLY like that in the error message. Reason I say that is because I thought the path should have the folder Carrier_Practice, not CarrierPractice, but I've been wrong in the past.
I apologize if this is written too simplisticly, but I don't know your level of computer experteze, and I'd rather give too much info than confuse someone with too little.
By the way, there is thread for AICarriers questions, located here:,11293.0.html .Just so you know :)
Hope this helps out a little...
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 08:11:09 am by PhantomTweak »