Author Topic: Getting back into it...Help ?  (Read 9171 times)


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Getting back into it...Help ?
« on: March 25, 2017, 07:08:24 pm »
 Been away from flying Navy for awhile but getting back into it, noticed there are a few options now P3D, DCS World, FSX Steam etc., decided to go with FSX Steam with Dino's Tomcat & Goshawk so far, my question is whats the latest Javier carrier/AI carriers, Sludge Hornet, vLSO and Oceana scenery ??, thanks.


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2017, 08:42:37 pm »
Oh boy, you want a lot of info!
First, though, welcome back. Once you get those Wings of Gold, you just never go to anything else :)
The latest Javier's Nimitz is the Nimitz-Ike v2, check FlightSim's library, just put Carrier in the search box, and search in the FSX. Side note:If it works in FSX, chances are it will work fine in FSX:SE, whatever "it" may be. A carrier, a plane, a scenery, whatever.
The latest AICarriers is a new one made be Orion, of this very forum's fame. You can download it here: . Look around a bit in this forum. It has it's own thread. It uses the .NET framework, rather the Lamont's original JAVA version. It has a link to the correct .NET Framework download you need to make it work correctly in the Readme file. I may be wrong, but I use it, and it works a LOT better, especially in SE. I've heard, although I haven't tried i myself, that it's the only version that will work correctly in SE. Give it a look.
I'm not sure about the Sludge Hornet latest version, BUT: The FSDream Team have come up with a Hornet that you wouldn't believe. Incredibly realistic, and an utter joy to fly. I fly it day in, day out. It can be downloaded here: . I very strongly recommend it. No offense to the Sludge bird, or Sludge himself, but this hornet, the v16.1 , is just incredibly amazing. It has it's own thread, with 92 pages so far, and shows no sign of slowing down yet :) Give the last few pages a look. Well worth the time. The link to it may be found in Jimi's sig.
vLSO hase gone through a real flurry of updates and improvements lately, and may be downloaded here:
Look over on the right side of the page, the download is up at the top or the DOWNLOADS section. There is also a great download for Oceana scenery lower in the same section. Take a look. Good stuff there indeed!

Look around this forum. There are threads for almost all the stuff you're looking for, not to mention a ton of info on all of the things you're interested in.
If you need, I will post a link for all the threads you want/need.
Hope this helps a little...
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 08:45:41 pm by PhantomTweak »


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2017, 09:02:53 pm »
Thank you Pat so much bud, this is exactly what I'm looking for, just so many updates to this and that, was confused about what and where to get the latest, thanks again.


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2017, 07:30:48 am »
Glad I could help out :)
I understand, things change. IMO, the two really big changes were in the FSDT Hornet and vLSO. I'm not sure if the AICarriers.NET version (that's what Orion, it's author, likes to call it, to differentiate it from Lamont's original) had come out before you quit or not, but I really recommend it. ESPECIALLY for FSX:SE.
I use SE myself, btw. I am not super-pro with it, but I have learned some about it. Tricks and tips, so to speak :D And don't forget, the list of "improvements" to the fsx.cfg file are legion. Not all of them work for every system, so if you go that route, make sure you only put in one at a time, and test it thoroughly, before moving on to the next. Same for the NVidea Inspector, if you use it. I do, and it seems to make a great improvement. ON MY SYSTEM. Again, every system is unique, though.
A small trick, for doing carrier ops: Once you get the boat placed, where and on the BRC you want, get into your weather in the sim, and go to the Advanced setting of User Defined weather. Set the wind for about 10-12 kts, coming down the deck from the crotch to the stern, IE about 4° port of the BRC, or a hair more, as well as making sure you set the boat in forward motion along your chosen BRC. Those two together give the right WOD for the Hornet recoveries. Important to make for much improved realism. When you go to set the wind's direction, OK out to the main weather menu to see the actual course. The setting on the little dial they provide is True North, the actual wind once you get to flying is Magnetic. There will almost invariably be a difference between where you set the little dial, and it's actual setting once you're flying.
Anyway, I ramble, sorry.
Good luck, and have some good recoveries aboard!


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2017, 11:19:30 am »
Will do Pat, so far have the FSXBA Hornet installed along with Dino's Tomcat, downloaded CVN68/69 and now reading the Read Me of AI Carriers.NET figuring out how to install.


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2017, 09:04:47 pm »
and now reading the Read Me of AI Carriers.NET figuring out how to install.
Exactly the same way you did the original version. :)
The newer one is identical in all respects, other than requiring the .NET Framework installation. There is a link to it in the Readme, iirc. Just download the installer for it, and run it. Zip, all done :) Even the config files that were used can be used with the newer version.
The only part that seems to give folks pause is the addition of AICarriers to the XML.exe file, but 90% of the troubles seem to stem from getting the pathing correct. Not really all that bad if you follow the Readme exactly :)

If you need help, feel free to ask. You might also glance through the AICarriers thread. Lots of good gouge for you to use.
Have fun!


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2017, 09:45:12 pm »
Ahhhhh, Got it to work finally.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 02:46:29 am by Jymp »


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2017, 07:16:50 am »
And don't forget, you can have vLSO auto start too, just like AIC. Just add it to the EXE.xml like you did AICarriers. I think it even comes with an example entry. Again, pathing is what really matters there.
I don't have vLSO autostart. Unless I'm having a really good day, I don't start it at all. Those AI LSO's hate me, for some reason. I get really lousy grades from them. I'm sure it has nothing to do with my landing (lack of) skills :D [looks up at the sky whistling]

Have fun, however you run it :D


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2017, 12:53:17 pm »
Thanks Pat, where do I find the vLSO sample entry ?.

 Also if anyone has the Aerosoft F-14 Extended package for FSX Steam and P3Dv3, I can only see CV63 in Aden, and no where else, any ideas as to why Aden only ?     Thanks


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2017, 08:54:41 pm »
I coulda sworn (I do that a lot. Marine thing :) ) that there was an example included as a .txt file. Oh well, wrong again.
I am going to presume you know a) where to find the exe.xml file and b) to use NotePad, not a wordprocessor to edit it.

Code: [Select]
    <Path>REPLACE WITH PATH TO vLSO.exe</Path>

Insert the code shown above below the last </Launch.Addon> entry, but above the </SimBase.Document> at the bottom of the file.
The path to the vLSO will look something like <Path>D:\temp\Addons\vLSO\vLSO.exe</Path> . Remember, your path will vary, depending on where you installed it.

I am sorry, but I have no idea about the Aerosoft stuff. I can only afford freeware, being forcibly retired for medical reasons...
Having said that, there are certainly plenty of AICarrier ships, and formations, available. :)
Hope this helps some!


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2017, 11:35:23 pm »
Thanks Pat it does help, now since I've been away has there been any new joystick releases ?, in the market for a new one, the Logitech 3D Pro is getting a little old, not TM Warthog expensive though.


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2017, 07:28:33 am »
Well, I use a Thrustmaster X. It comes with either a T-throttle unit or without. My lovely wife uses the one with, I use the one without. It still has a slider for the throttle, just not a whole separate, disconnectable (physically, still has a cord between it and the joystick) assembly. I think I paid about $30.00 for mine, and 55 or $60.00 for hers.
Just google joystick. You'll get more results than you can shake a stick at. My biggest recommendation for a joystick, all things being equal, is to get one with Hall Effect transistors, instead of potentiometers. They work a LOT better, and don't get dirty, like pots can. More accurate, and you can set the Null Zone to zero, and the the Sensitivity full right, and just leave them there. IMO, much better than a joystick with pots, as we called them. Yes, I was an electronics geek :)
Have fun!


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2017, 01:11:13 pm »
Will do bud,  your right those LSO's are tough, very realistic, heard them alot while on CV43 in the late 80's


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2017, 09:27:11 pm »
Paddles, the name of the creator of vLSO, did (and still is doing!) a great job. Just be aware, the updates to it have been coming hot and heavy lately. Keep an eye on the blog page where you can download it from, or the thread for it in this forum, to keep up with the latest.

Good luck, and enjoy!


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Re: Getting back into it...Help ?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2017, 12:57:21 pm »
I have a T Flight Joystick and even a T1600M, not crazy about either, have come to conclusion that if the Logi P3D Pro had a throttle and Hall Effect sensors it would almost be perfect.